Configure network map data


Depending on your Kibana setup, to display and interact with data on the Network page’s map you might need to:

To see source and destination connections lines on the map, you must configure source.geo and destination.geo ECS fields for your indices.

Permissions required


In order to view the map, you need at least Read privileges for Maps. To configure it, you need All privileges. Maps privilege settings are under Kibana privilegesAnalyticsMaps.

Create Kibana data views


To display map data, you must define a Kibana data view (Stack ManagementData Views) that includes one or more of the indices specified in the securitysolution:defaultIndex field (KibanaStack ManagementAdvanced Settingssecuritysolution:defaultIndex).

For example, to display data that is stored in indices matching the index pattern servers-europe-* on the map, you must use a Kibana data view whose index pattern matches servers-europe-*, such as servers-*.

Add geoIP data


When the ECS source.geo.location and destination.geo.location fields are mapped, network data is displayed on the map.

If you use Beats, configure a geoIP processor to add data to the relevant fields:

  1. Define an ingest node pipeline that uses one or more geoIP processors to add location information to events. For example, use the Console in Kibana to create the following pipeline:

    PUT _ingest/pipeline/geoip-info
      "description": "Add geoip info",
      "processors": [
          "geoip": {
            "field": "client.ip",
            "target_field": "client.geo",
            "ignore_missing": true
          "geoip": {
            "field": "source.ip",
            "target_field": "source.geo",
            "ignore_missing": true
          "geoip": {
            "field": "destination.ip",
            "target_field": "destination.geo",
            "ignore_missing": true
          "geoip": {
            "field": "server.ip",
            "target_field": "server.geo",
            "ignore_missing": true
          "geoip": {
            "field": "host.ip",
            "target_field": "host.geo",
            "ignore_missing": true

    In this example, the pipeline ID is geoip-info. field specifies the field that contains the IP address to use for the geographical lookup, and target_field is the field that will hold the geographical information. "ignore_missing": true configures the pipeline to continue processing when it encounters an event that doesn’t have the specified field.

    An example ingest pipeline that uses the GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb database to add autonomous system number (ASN) fields can be found here.

  2. In your Beats configuration files, add the pipeline to the `output.elasticsearch`tag:

        hosts: ["localhost:9200"]
        pipeline: geoip-info 

    The value of this field must be the same as the ingest pipeline name in step 1 (geoip-info in this example).

Map your internal network


If you want to add your network’s internal IP addresses to the map, define geo location fields under the processors tag in the Beats configuration files on your hosts:

   - add_host_metadata:
   - add_cloud_metadata: ~
   - add_fields: <private/IP address> 
           lat: <latitude coordinate>
           lon: <longitude coordinate>
       target: ''
   - add_fields: <private/IP address>
           lat: <latitude coordinate>
           lon: <longitude coordinate>
       target: ''

For the IP address, you can use either private or CIDR notation.

You can also enrich your data with other host fields.

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