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Tag data for querying


The instructions to deploy the Universal Profiling Agent displayed in Add Data show a default configuration that allows ingesting data into an Elastic Cloud deployment. The only config setting you may want to change is project-id (default value is 1).

The -project-id flag, or the project-id key in the Universal Profiling Agent configuration file, splits profiling data into logical groups that you control.

You can assign any non-zero, unsigned integer ⇐ 4095 to a Universal Profiling Agent deployment you control. In Kibana, the KQL field is mapped to project-id and you can use it to split or filter data.

You may want to set a per-environment project ID (for example, dev=3, staging=2, production=1), a per-datacenter project ID (for example, DC1=1, DC2=2), or even a per-k8s-cluster project ID (for example, us-west2-production=100, eu-west1-production=101).

You can also use the -tags flag to associate an arbitrary string with a specific Universal Profiling Agent instance. Each tag must match ^[a-zA-Z0-9-:._]+$ regex and use ; as a separator. Invalid tags are dropped and warnings issued on startup.

In Kibana, you can use the KQL field tags for filtering. For example, when running the Universal Profiling Agent with the following:

sudo pf-host-agent/pf-host-agent -project-id=1 -tags='cloud_region:us-central1;env:staging'

You can then filter profiling data from the Universal Profiling Agent in Kibana with the following tag:

tags : "cloud_region:us-central1"
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