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Configuring Monitoring for Logstash Nodes


Configuring Monitoring for Logstash Nodes


To monitor Logstash nodes:

  1. Identify where to send monitoring data. This cluster is often referred to as the production cluster. For examples of typical monitoring architectures, see How monitoring works.

    To visualize Logstash as part of the Elastic Stack (as shown in Step 6), send metrics to your production cluster. Sending metrics to a dedicated monitoring cluster will show the Logstash metrics under the monitoring cluster.

  2. Verify that the xpack.monitoring.collection.enabled setting is true on the production cluster. If that setting is false, the collection of monitoring data is disabled in Elasticsearch and data is ignored from all other sources.
  3. Configure your Logstash nodes to send metrics by setting the xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.url in logstash.yml. If X-Pack security is enabled, you also need to specify the credentials for the built-in logstash_system user. For more information about these settings, see Monitoring Settings.

    ["http://es-prod-node-1:9200", "http://es-prod-node-2:9200"] 
    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username: "logstash_system" 
    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password: "changeme"

    If SSL/TLS is enabled on the production cluster, you must connect through HTTPS. As of v5.2.1, you can specify multiple Elasticsearch hosts as an array as well as specifying a single host as a string. If multiple URLs are specified, Logstash can round-robin requests to these production nodes.

    If X-Pack security is disabled on the production cluster, you can omit these username and password settings.

  4. If SSL/TLS is enabled on the production Elasticsearch cluster, specify the trusted CA certificates that will be used to verify the identity of the nodes in the cluster.

    To add a CA certificate to a Logstash node’s trusted certificates, you can specify the location of the PEM encoded certificate with the ca setting: /path/to/ca.crt

    Alternatively, you can configure trusted certificates using a truststore (a Java Keystore file that contains the certificates):

    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.truststore.path: /path/to/file
    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.truststore.password: password

    Also, optionally, you can set up client certificate using a keystore (a Java Keystore file that contains the certificate):

    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.keystore.path: /path/to/file
    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.ssl.keystore.password: password

    Set sniffing to true to enable discovery of other nodes of the elasticsearch cluster. Defaults to false.

    xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.sniffing: false
  5. Restart your Logstash nodes.
  6. To verify your X-Pack monitoring configuration, point your web browser at your Kibana host, and select Monitoring from the side navigation. Metrics reported from your Logstash nodes should be visible in the Logstash section. When security is enabled, to view the monitoring dashboards you must log in to Kibana as a user who has the kibana_user and monitoring_user roles.


Re-enabling Logstash Monitoring After Upgrading


When upgrading from older versions of X-Pack, the built-in logstash_system user is disabled for security reasons. To resume monitoring, change the password and re-enable the logstash_system user.

Monitoring Settings in Logstash


You can set the following xpack.monitoring settings in logstash.yml to control how monitoring data is collected from your Logstash nodes. However, the defaults work best in most circumstances. For more information about configuring Logstash, see logstash.yml.

General Monitoring Settings

Monitoring is disabled by default. Set to true to enable X-Pack monitoring.
The Elasticsearch instances that you want to ship your Logstash metrics to. This might be the same Elasticsearch instance specified in the outputs section in your Logstash configuration, or a different one. This is not the URL of your dedicated monitoring cluster. Even if you are using a dedicated monitoring cluster, the Logstash metrics must be routed through your production cluster. You can specify a single host as a string, or specify multiple hosts as an array. Defaults to http://localhost:9200.
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.username and xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.password
If your Elasticsearch is protected with basic authentication, these settings provide the username and password that the Logstash instance uses to authenticate for shipping monitoring data.

Monitoring Collection Settings

Controls how often data samples are collected and shipped on the Logstash side. Defaults to 10s. If you modify the collection interval, set the xpack.monitoring.min_interval_seconds option in kibana.yml to the same value.

X-Pack monitoring TLS/SSL Settings


You can configure the following Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) settings. For more information, see Configuring Credentials for Logstash Monitoring.
Optional setting that enables you to specify a path to the .pem file for the certificate authority for your Elasticsearch instance.
Optional settings that provide the paths to the Java keystore (JKS) to validate the server’s certificate.
Optional settings that provide the password to the truststore.
Optional settings that provide the paths to the Java keystore (JKS) to validate the client’s certificate.
Optional settings that provide the password to the keystore.
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