
The executive guide to generative AI

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Weight context


Use a Painless script to create a weight for use in a similarity script. Weight is used to prevent recalculation of constants that remain the same across documents.


params (Map, read-only)
User-defined parameters passed in as part of the query.
query.boost (float, read-only)
The boost value if provided by the query. If this is not provided the value is 1.0f.
field.docCount (long, read-only)
The number of documents that have a value for the current field.
field.sumDocFreq (long, read-only)
The sum of all terms that exist for the current field. If this is not available the value is -1.
field.sumTotalTermFreq (long, read-only)
The sum of occurrences in the index for all the terms that exist in the current field. If this is not available the value is -1.
term.docFreq (long, read-only)
The number of documents that contain the current term in the index.
term.totalTermFreq (long, read-only)
The total occurrences of the current term in the index.


A scoring factor used across all documents.


The standard Painless API is available.

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