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Singleton Command Line Interface


Singleton Command Line Interface


The curator_cli command allows users to run a single, supported action from the command-line, without needing either the client or action YAML configuration file, though it does support using the client configuration file if you want. As an important bonus, the command-line options allow you to override the settings in the curator.yml file!

$ curator_cli --help
Usage: curator_cli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  --config PATH       Path to configuration file. Default:
  --host TEXT         Elasticsearch host.
  --url_prefix TEXT   Elasticsearch http url prefix.
  --port TEXT         Elasticsearch port.
  --use_ssl           Connect to Elasticsearch through SSL.
  --certificate TEXT  Path to certificate to use for SSL validation.
  --client-cert TEXT  Path to file containing SSL certificate for client auth.
  --client-key TEXT   Path to file containing SSL key for client auth.
  --ssl-no-validate   Do not validate SSL certificate
  --http_auth TEXT    Use Basic Authentication ex: user:pass
  --timeout INTEGER   Connection timeout in seconds.
  --master-only       Only operate on elected master node.
  --dry-run           Do not perform any changes.
  --loglevel TEXT     Log level
  --logfile TEXT      log file
  --logformat TEXT    Log output format [default|logstash|json].
  --version           Show the version and exit.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

  allocation        Shard Routing Allocation
  close             Close indices
  delete_indices    Delete indices
  delete_snapshots  Delete snapshots
  forcemerge        forceMerge index/shard segments
  open              Open indices
  replicas          Change replica count
  show_indices      Show indices
  show_snapshots    Show snapshots
  snapshot          Snapshot indices

The option flags for the given commands match those used for the same actions. The only difference is how filtering is handled.

Command-line filtering


Recent improvements in Curator include schema and setting validation. With these improvements, it is possible to validate filters and their many permutations if passed in a way that Curator can easily digest.

--filter_list TEXT  JSON string representing an array of filters.

This means that filters need to be passed as a single object, or an array of objects in JSON format.


--filter_list '{"filtertype":"none"}'


--filter_list '[{"filtertype":"age","source":"creation_date","direction":"older","unit":"days","unit_count":13},{"filtertype":"pattern","kind":"prefix","value":"logstash"}]'

This preserves the power of chained filters, making them available on the command line.

You may need to escape all of the double quotes on some platforms, or shells like PowerShell, for instance.

Caveats to this approach:

  1. Only one action can be taken at a time.
  2. Not all actions have singleton analogs. For example, Alias and
    Restore do not have singleton actions.

Show Indices/Snapshots


One feature that the singleton command offers that the other cannot is to show which indices and snapshots are in the system. It’s a great way to visually test your filters without causing any harm to the system.

$ curator_cli show_indices --help
Usage: curator_cli show_indices [OPTIONS]

  Show indices

  --verbose           Show verbose output.
  --header            Print header if --verbose
  --epoch             Print time as epoch if --verbose
  --filter_list TEXT  JSON string representing an array of filters.
  --help              Show this message and exit.
$ curator_cli show_snapshots --help
Usage: curator_cli show_snapshots [OPTIONS]

  Show snapshots

  --repository TEXT   Snapshot repository name  [required]
  --filter_list TEXT  JSON string representing an array of filters.
  --help              Show this message and exit.

The show_snapshots command will only show snapshots matching the provided filters. The show_indices command will also do this, but also offers a few extra features.

  • --verbose adds state, total size of primary and all replicas, the document count, the number of primary and replica shards, and the creation date in ISO8601 format.
  • --header adds a header that shows the column names. This only occurs if --verbose is also selected.
  • --epoch changes the date format from ISO8601 to epoch time. If --header is also selected, the column header title will change to creation_date

There are no extra columns or --verbose output for the show_snapshots command.

Without --epoch

Index               State     Size     Docs Pri Rep   Creation Timestamp
logstash-2016.10.20 close     0.0B        0   5   1 2016-10-20T00:00:03Z
logstash-2016.10.21  open  763.3MB  5860016   5   1 2016-10-21T00:00:03Z
logstash-2016.10.22  open  759.1MB  5858450   5   1 2016-10-22T00:00:04Z
logstash-2016.10.23  open  757.8MB  5857456   5   1 2016-10-23T00:00:04Z
logstash-2016.10.24  open  771.5MB  5859720   5   1 2016-10-24T00:00:00Z
logstash-2016.10.25  open  771.0MB  5860112   5   1 2016-10-25T00:00:01Z
logstash-2016.10.27  open  658.3MB  4872830   5   1 2016-10-27T00:00:03Z
logstash-2016.10.28  open  655.1MB  5237250   5   1 2016-10-28T00:00:00Z

With --epoch

Index               State     Size     Docs Pri Rep creation_date
logstash-2016.10.20 close     0.0B        0   5   1    1476921603
logstash-2016.10.21  open  763.3MB  5860016   5   1    1477008003
logstash-2016.10.22  open  759.1MB  5858450   5   1    1477094404
logstash-2016.10.23  open  757.8MB  5857456   5   1    1477180804
logstash-2016.10.24  open  771.5MB  5859720   5   1    1477267200
logstash-2016.10.25  open  771.0MB  5860112   5   1    1477353601
logstash-2016.10.27  open  658.3MB  4872830   5   1    1477526403
logstash-2016.10.28  open  655.1MB  5237250   5   1    1477612800


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