
The executive guide to generative AI

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MongoDB module


This functionality is in beta and is subject to change. The design and code is less mature than official GA features and is being provided as-is with no warranties. Beta features are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

This module periodically fetches metrics from MongoDB servers.

Module-specific configuration notes


When configuring the hosts option, you must use MongoDB URLs of the following format:


The URL can be as simple as:

- module: mongodb
  hosts: ["localhost"]

Or more complex like:

- module: mongodb
  hosts: ["mongodb://myuser:mypass@localhost:40001", "otherhost:40001"]

The username and password can be included in the URL or they can be set using the respective configuration options. The credentials in the URL take precedence over the username and password configuration options.

- module: mongodb
  metricsets: ["status"]
  hosts: ["localhost:27017"]
  username: root
  password: test



The MongoDB metricsets were tested with MongoDB 3.4 and 3.0 and are expected to work with all versions >= 2.8.

Example configuration


The MongoDB module supports the standard configuration options that are described in Specify which modules to run. Here is an example configuration:

- module: mongodb
  metricsets: ["dbstats", "status"]
  period: 10s

  # The hosts must be passed as MongoDB URLs in the format:
  # [mongodb://][user:pass@]host[:port].
  # The username and password can also be set using the respective configuration
  # options. The credentials in the URL take precedence over the username and
  # password configuration options.
  hosts: ["localhost:27017"]

  # Username to use when connecting to MongoDB. Empty by default.
  #username: user

  # Password to use when connecting to MongoDB. Empty by default.
  #password: pass



The following metricsets are available:

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