
The executive guide to generative AI

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Source engines API


Source engines API


Read the Meta Engines guide to learn more about Meta Engines.

Meta Engines are primarily managed through the Engines API.

Meta Engines have a type property of meta, and support a source_engines property.

Example - Create a Meta Engine with two Source Engines

curl -X POST '<ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer private-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '{
  "name": "national-parks",
  "type": "meta",
  "source_engines": [

Documents will have the following fields to help orient yourself within Meta Engine documents:

  // The Scoped Document ID, which is the canonical ID for documents within a Meta Engine
  // context. This is the Engine Name and Document ID joined with a pipe character ("|").
  "id": "eastern-national-parks|park_acadia",
    "_meta": {
      // Source Engine document belongs to
      "engine": "eastern-national-parks",
      // Un-scoped Document ID
      "id": "park_acadia"

The _engine field can be used to filter documents by Source Engine.

Example - Filter Meta Engine documents by Source Engine

curl -X POST '<ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines/national-parks/search' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer search-soaewu2ye6uc45dr8mcd54v8' \
-d '{
  "query": "",
  "filters": {
    "_engine": ["eastern-national-parks"]

Any other API endpoint within a Meta Engine that requires a Document ID as a parameter will require a Scoped Document ID to be used.

Example - Create a Curation on a Meta Engine using Scoped Document ID

curl -X POST '<ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines/national-parks/curations' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer private-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '{
  "queries": [
  "promoted": [

In addition to the Engines API, the following endpoints can be used with Meta Engines:

Add Source Engines


Add one or more Source Engines by name to a Meta Engine.

POST <ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines/{ENGINE_NAME}/source_engines


curl -X POST '<ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines/national-parks/source_engines' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer private-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '[

Example Response

  "name": "national-parks",
  "type": "meta",
  "source_engines": [

Remove Source Engines


Remove one or more Source Engines by name to a Meta Engine.

DELETE <ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines/{ENGINE_NAME}/source_engines


curl -X DELETE '<ENTERPRISE_SEARCH_BASE_URL>/api/as/v1/engines/national-parks/source_engines' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer private-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' \
-d '[

Example Response

  "name": "national-parks",
  "type": "meta",
  "source_engines": [
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