Breaking Changes in 5.5.0

Machine learning
  • If you have jobs that were created in the beta, you cannot open or run those jobs from nodes that have been upgraded to Version 5.5. You can, however, view the results of the old jobs. You can also use Kibana to clone your old jobs.
  • All index patterns were upgraded to a new 6.0-compatible format that leverage single mapping _type (doc). Instead, a new field named type was added.

    • Any manually written queries need only change _type to use type.
  • The cluster_state type was merged into the cluster_stats type.

    • Pre-existing data will still be detected.
  • The cluster_info type was merged into the cluster_stats type.

    • Pre-existing data will not be detected.
  • Monitoring no longer uses the .monitoring-data-2 index.

    • All data now exists exclusively in the time-based indices (.monitoring-*).
    • Clusters reporting to 5.5 from 5.0 - 5.4 should not be impacted if the ingest pipeline is enabled (default).
    • Any monitored cluster that is no longer reported to the monitoring cluster once the cluster is upgraded to 5.5, will not appear in the UI.
    • Old clusters (5.0 - 5.4) still expect the old templates to exist, so they are created by the HTTP exporter unless that feature is disabled.

      • You can set xpack.monitoring.exporters.<exporter-name>.index.template.create_legacy_templates: false to disable the specification of old templates by the HTTP exporter.
      • This will be disabled by default in 6.0.