Setting Up User Authentication


Authentication identifies an individual. To gain access to restricted resources, a user must prove their identity, via passwords, credentials, or some other means (typically referred to as authentication tokens).

You can use the native support for managing and authenticating users, or integrate with external user management systems such as LDAP and Active Directory. For information about managing native users, see Managing Native Users.

Built-in Users


X-Pack security provides built-in user credentials to help you get up and running. These users have a fixed set of privileges and the default password changeme.

Table 3. X-Pack security Built-in Users




A built-in superuser.


The user Kibana uses to connect and communicate with Elasticsearch.

You must reset the default passwords for all built-in users. You can update passwords from the Management > Users UI in Kibana or with the Reset Password API:

PUT _xpack/security/user/elastic/_password
  "password": "elasticpassword"
PUT _xpack/security/user/kibana/_password
  "password": "kibanapassword"

Once the kibana user password is reset, you need to update the Kibana server with the new password by setting elasticsearch.password in the kibana.yml configuration file:

elasticsearch.password: kibanapassword