

This section lists the privileges that you can assign to a role.

Cluster Privileges



All cluster administration operations, like snapshotting, node shutdown/restart, settings update or rerouting


All cluster read-ony operations, like cluster health & state, hot threads, node info, node & cluster stats, snapshot/restore status, pending cluster tasks


All Shield related operations (currently only exposing an API for clearing the realm caches)

Indices Privileges



Any action on an index


All monitor privileges plus index administration (aliases, analyze, cache clear, close, delete, exists, flush, mapping, open, optimize, refresh, settings, search shards, templates, validate, warmers)


All actions, that are required for monitoring and read-only (recovery, segments info, index stats & status)


A shortcut of all of the below privileges


A shortcut of read and write privileges


Read only access to actions (count, explain, get, exists, mget, get indexed scripts, more like this, multi percolate/search/termvector), percolate, scroll, clear_scroll, search, suggest, tv)


All of suggest and executing an arbitrary search request (including multi-search API)


Allow to execute a GET request for a single document or multiple documents via the multi-get API


Allow to execute the _suggest API


Privilege to index and update documents


Privilege to create an index. A create index request may contain aliases to be added to the index once created. In that case the request requires manage_aliases privilege as well, on both the index and the aliases names.


Privilege to add and remove aliases, as well as retrieve aliases information. Note that in order to add an alias to an existing index, the manage_aliases privilege is required on the existing index as well as on the alias name


Privilege to delete documents (includes delete by query)


Privilege to index, update, delete, delete by query and bulk operations on documents, in addition to delete and put indexed scripts

Run As Privilege


The run_as permission enables an authenticated user to submit requests on behalf of another user. The value can be a user name or a comma-separated list of user names. (You can also specify users as an array of strings or a YAML sequence.) For more information, see Submitting Requests on Behalf of Other Users.

Action Level Privileges


Although rarely needed, you can also assign privileges for specific Elasticsearch actions. This only applies to publicly available indices and cluster actions.

Cluster actions privileges
  • cluster:admin/render/template/search
  • cluster:admin/repository/delete
  • cluster:admin/repository/get
  • cluster:admin/repository/put
  • cluster:admin/repository/verify
  • cluster:admin/reroute
  • cluster:admin/settings/update
  • cluster:admin/snapshot/create
  • cluster:admin/snapshot/delete
  • cluster:admin/snapshot/get
  • cluster:admin/snapshot/restore
  • cluster:admin/snapshot/status
  • cluster:admin/plugin/license/get
  • cluster:admin/plugin/license/delete
  • cluster:admin/plugin/license/put
  • cluster:admin/shield/realm/cache/clear
  • cluster:monitor/health
  • cluster:monitor/nodes/hot_threads
  • cluster:monitor/nodes/info
  • cluster:monitor/nodes/stats
  • cluster:monitor/state
  • cluster:monitor/stats
  • cluster:monitor/task
  • indices:admin/template/delete
  • indices:admin/template/get
  • indices:admin/template/put

While indices template actions typically relate to indices, they are categorized under cluster actions to avoid potential security leaks. For example, having one user define a template that matches another user’s index.

Indices Actions Privileges
  • indices:admin/aliases
  • indices:admin/aliases/exists
  • indices:admin/aliases/get
  • indices:admin/analyze
  • indices:admin/cache/clear
  • indices:admin/close
  • indices:admin/create
  • indices:admin/delete
  • indices:admin/get
  • indices:admin/exists
  • indices:admin/flush
  • indices:admin/mapping/put
  • indices:admin/mappings/fields/get
  • indices:admin/mappings/get
  • indices:admin/open
  • indices:admin/optimize
  • indices:admin/refresh
  • indices:admin/settings/update
  • indices:admin/shards/search_shards
  • indices:admin/template/delete
  • indices:admin/template/get
  • indices:admin/template/put
  • indices:admin/types/exists
  • indices:admin/upgrade
  • indices:admin/validate/query
  • indices:admin/warmers/delete
  • indices:admin/warmers/get
  • indices:admin/warmers/put
  • indices:monitor/recovery
  • indices:monitor/segments
  • indices:monitor/settings/get
  • indices:monitor/shard_stores
  • indices:monitor/stats
  • indices:monitor/upgrade
  • indices:data/read/count
  • indices:data/read/exists
  • indices:data/read/explain
  • indices:data/read/field_stats
  • indices:data/read/get
  • indices:data/read/mget
  • indices:data/read/mpercolate
  • indices:data/read/msearch
  • indices:data/read/mtv
  • indices:data/read/percolate
  • indices:data/read/script/get
  • indices:data/read/scroll
  • indices:data/read/scroll/clear
  • indices:data/read/search
  • indices:data/read/suggest
  • indices:data/read/tv
  • indices:data/write/bulk
  • indices:data/write/delete
  • indices:data/write/index
  • indices:data/write/script/delete
  • indices:data/write/script/put
  • indices:data/write/update