Upgrading Shield


To upgrade Shield, just uninstall the current Shield plugin and install the new version of Shield. Your configuration will be preserved and you do this with a rolling upgrade of Elasticsearch. On each node, after you have stopped it run:

bin/plugin -r shield
bin/plugin -i elasticsearch/shield/latest 

latest will install the latest version of Shield compatible with your version of elasticsearch. A specific version, such as 1.0.2 can also be specified.

Then start the node. Larger sites should follow the steps in the rolling upgrade section in order to ensure recovery is as quick as possible.

On upgrade, your current configuration files will remain untouched. The configuration files provided by the new version of Shield will be added with a .new extension.

updated role definitions


The default role definitions in the roles.yml file may need to be changed to ensure proper functionality with other applications such as Marvel and Kibana. Any role changes will be found in roles.yml.new after upgrading to the new version of Shield. We recommend copying the changes listed below to your roles.yml file.

  • [1.0.1] Added in 1.0.1. kibana4 role updated to work with new features in Kibana 4 RC1