Potential Suspicious DebugFS Root Device Access


Potential Suspicious DebugFS Root Device Access


This rule monitors for the usage of the built-in Linux DebugFS utility to access a disk device without root permissions. Linux users that are part of the "disk" group have sufficient privileges to access all data inside of the machine through DebugFS. Attackers may leverage DebugFS in conjunction with "disk" permissions to read sensitive files owned by root, such as the shadow file, root ssh private keys or other sensitive files that may allow them to further escalate privileges.

Rule type: eql

Rule indices:

  • logs-endpoint.events.*
  • endgame-*

Severity: low

Risk score: 21

Runs every: 5m

Searches indices from: now-9m (Date Math format, see also Additional look-back time)

Maximum alerts per execution: 100



  • Domain: Endpoint
  • OS: Linux
  • Use Case: Threat Detection
  • Tactic: Privilege Escalation
  • Data Source: Elastic Endgame

Version: 1

Rule authors:

  • Elastic

Rule license: Elastic License v2

Rule query

process where host.os.type == "linux" and event.action in ("exec", "exec_event") and event.type == "start" and
process.name == "debugfs" and process.args : "/dev/sd*" and not user.Ext.real.id == "0" and not group.Ext.real.id == "0"