Quickstart: Monitor hosts with Elastic Agent


This functionality is in technical preview and may be changed or removed in a future release. Elastic will work to fix any issues, but features in technical preview are not subject to the support SLA of official GA features.

In this quickstart guide, you’ll learn how to scan your host to detect and collect logs and metrics, then navigate to dashboards to further analyze and explore your observability data. You’ll also learn how to get value out of your observability data.

To scan your host, you’ll run an auto-detection script that downloads and installs Elastic Agent, which is used to collect observability data from the host and send it to Elastic.

The script also generates an Elastic Agent configuration file that you can use with your existing Infrastructure-as-Code tooling.


  • A user with the superuser built-in role or the privileges required to onboard data.

    Expand to view required privileges
    • Cluster: ['monitor', 'manage_own_api_key']
    • Index: { names: ['logs-*-*', 'metrics-*-*'], privileges: ['auto_configure', 'create_doc'] }
    • Kibana: { spaces: ['*'], feature: { fleet: ['all'], fleetv2: ['all'] } }
  • Root privileges on the host—required to run the auto-detection script used in this quickstart.


  • The auto-detection script currently scans for metrics and logs from Apache, Docker, Nginx, and the host system. It also scans for custom log files.
  • The auto-detection script works on Linux and MacOS only. Support for the lsof command is also required if you want to detect custom log files.
  • If you’ve installed Apache or Nginx in a non-standard location, you’ll need to specify log file paths manually when you run the scan.
  • Because Docker Desktop runs in a VM, its logs are not auto-detected.

Collect your data

  1. In Kibana, go to Observability and click Add Data.
  2. Select Collect and analyze logs, and then select Auto-detect logs and metrics.
  3. Copy the command that’s shown. For example:

    Quick start showing command for running auto-detection

    You’ll run this command to download the auto-detection script and scan your system for observability data.

  4. Open a terminal on the host you want to scan, and run the command.
  5. Review the list of log files:

    • Enter Y to ingest all the log files listed.
    • Enter n to either exclude log files or specify additional log paths. Enter Y to confirm your selections.

When the script is done, you’ll see a message like "Elastic Agent is configured and running."

There might be a slight delay before logs and other data are ingested.

Visualize your data


After installation is complete and all relevant data is flowing into Elastic, the Visualize your data section will show links to assets you can use to analyze your data. Depending on what type of observability data was collected, the page may link to the following integration assets:

Integration asset Description


Prebuilt dashboard for monitoring host status and health using system metrics.


Prebuilt dashboard for monitoring Apache HTTP server health using error and access log data.


Prebuilt dashboard for monitoring the status and health of Docker containers.


Prebuilt dashboard for monitoring Nginx server health using error and access log data.

Custom .log files

Logs Explorer for analyzing custom logs.

For example, you can navigate the Host overview dashboard to explore detailed metrics about system usage and throughput. Metrics that indicate a possible problem are highlighted in red.

Host overview dashboard

Get value out of your data


After using the dashboards to examine your data and confirm you’ve ingested all the host logs and metrics you want to monitor, you can use Elastic Observability to gain deeper insight into your data.

For host monitoring, the following capabilities and features are recommended:

Refer to the What is Elastic Observability? for a description of other useful features.