Fluent codec plugin

  • Plugin version: v3.1.2
  • Released on: 2017-06-23
  • Changelog

Getting Help


For questions about the plugin, open a topic in the Discuss forums. For bugs or feature requests, open an issue in Github. For the list of Elastic supported plugins, please consult the Elastic Support Matrix.



This codec handles fluentd’s msgpack schema.

For example, you can receive logs from fluent-logger-ruby with:

    input {
      tcp {
        codec => fluent
        port => 4000

And from your ruby code in your own application:

    logger = Fluent::Logger::FluentLogger.new(nil, :host => "example.log", :port => 4000)
    logger.post("some_tag", { "your" => "data", "here" => "yay!" })


  • the fluent uses a second-precision time for events, so you will never see subsecond precision on events processed by this codec.