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Running Kibana


Change to your local Kibana directory. Start the development server.

yarn start

On Windows, you’ll need to use Git Bash, Cygwin, or a similar shell that exposes the sh command. And to successfully build you’ll need Cygwin optional packages zip, tar, and shasum.

Now you can point your web browser to http://localhost:5601 and start using Kibana! When running yarn start, Kibana will also log that it is listening on port 5603 due to the base path proxy, but you should still access Kibana on port 5601.

By default, you can log in with username elastic and password changeme. See the --help options on yarn es <command> if you’d like to configure a different password.

Unsupported URL Type


If you’re installing dependencies and seeing an error that looks something like

Unsupported URL Type: link:packages/kbn-eslint-config

you’re likely running npm. To install dependencies in Kibana you need to run yarn kbn bootstrap. For more info, see Setting Up Your Development Environment above.

Customizing config/


The config/kibana.yml file stores user configuration directives. Since this file is checked into source control, however, developer preferences can’t be saved without the risk of accidentally committing the modified version. To make customizing configuration easier during development, the Kibana CLI will look for a config/ file if run with the --dev flag. This file behaves just like the non-dev version and accepts any of the standard settings.

Using an Alternate YML File


To run Kibana with an alternate yml file, use the --config option to specify the path to the desired yml file. For example: yarn start --config=config/my_config.yml

Potential Optimization Pitfalls

  • Webpack is trying to include a file in the bundle that was deleted and is now complaining about it being missing
  • A module id that used to resolve to a single file now resolves to a directory, but webpack isn’t adapting
  • (if you discover other scenarios, please send a PR!)

Setting Up SSL


Kibana includes self-signed certificates that can be used for development purposes in the browser and for communicating with Elasticsearch: yarn start --ssl & yarn es snapshot --ssl.

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