
Filter bar

The Uptime settings page lets you change which Heartbeat indices are displayed by the uptime app. Users must have the all permission to modify items on this page. Uptime settings apply to the current space only. Use different settings in different spaces to segment different uptime use cases and domains.

As an example, imagine your organization has one team for internal IT services, and another for public services. Each team operates independently and is only responsible for its own services. In this scenario, you might set up separate Heartbeat instances for each team, writing out to index patterns named it-heartbeat-\*, and external-heartbeat-\*. You would create separate roles and users for each in Elasticsearch, each with access to their own spaces, named it and external respectively. Within each space you would navigate to the settings page and set the correct index pattern to match only the indices that space is allowed to access.

Note that the pattern set here only restricts what the Uptime app shows. Users may still be able to manually query Elasticsearch for data outside this pattern!

See the Uptime Elasticsearch Security and Heartbeat security docs for more information.