Vega with a Map


Kibana’s default map can be used as a base of the Vega graph. To enable, the graph must specify type=map in the host configuration:

  "config": {
    "kibana": {
      "type": "map",

      // Initial map position
      "latitude": 40.7,   // default 0
      "longitude": -74,   // default 0
      "zoom": 7,          // default 2

      // defaults to "default". Use false to disable base layer.
      "mapStyle": false,

      // default 0
      "minZoom": 5,

      // defaults to the maximum for the given style,
      // or 25 when base is disabled
      "maxZoom": 13,

      // defaults to true, shows +/- buttons to zoom in/out
      "zoomControl": false,

      // Defaults to 'false', disables mouse wheel zoom. If set to
      // 'true', map may zoom unexpectedly while scrolling dashboard
      "scrollWheelZoom": false,

      // When false, repaints on each move frame.
      // Makes the graph slower when moving the map
      "delayRepaint": true, // default true
  /* the rest of Vega JSON */

This visualization will automatically inject a projection called "projection". Use it to calculate positioning of all geo-aware marks. Additionally, you may use latitude, longitude, and zoom signals. These signals can be used in the graph, or can be updated to modify the positioning of the map.