Kibana 6.7.0


Known issues

  • If you have a version 7.0 monitoring cluster, a version 6.7 production cluster and Kibana version 6.7.0 or 6.7.1, you cannot see the monitoring data in Kibana. #34357

Breaking changes

  • Removes custom WebPack bundles to remove duplicated dependencies. Canvas plugins must now use the Kibana platform. See the for more information. #30123


  • Provides significant performance improvements by preventing needless re-rendering in high-level components #31958
  • Adds time filter support to demodata #31194
  • Updates demodata to use current and future times #31202
  • Allows datatables that already look like point series data to be used without the pointseries function #28872
  • Updates keyboard shortcuts #29394
  • Adds support for time_zone in essql #31291
  • Adds loading indicator and elements panel #32369
  • Adds bulk upload capability to Asset Manager #29007
  • Adds options to download a workpad from an active workpad #28131
  • Adds link to docs and keyboard shortcut cheatsheet to help menu #31335
  • Shows current workpad in workpad loader #33531
  • Adds GIS plugin (beta) #24804
  • Adds zoom in/out map controls #29862
  • Add a source settings UI #26786
  • Adds Discuss feedback links to Infrastructure and Logs #29519
  • Adds support for frozen indices to Index Management #28855
  • Adds doc_table:hideTimeColumn advanced setting #23897
  • Allows select settings to specify labels for their values #29584
  • Makes badges clickable to filter in index management #29635
  • Orders Elasticsearch Management apps in order of most used to least used #30145
  • Add Rollup toggle to Index Management #28721
  • Adds follower badge to Index Management #29177
  • Adds set priority action support to ILM UI #29205
  • Updates Console autocomplete to add new actions for ILM and new API for CCR #29183
Machine Learning
  • Sets zoom to start of forecast on opening in Single Metric Viewer #29503
  • Implements built_assets directory #27468
  • Corrects intercept of ECONNRESET #31742
  • Adds button for adding index.query.default_field setting to Metricbeat indices #32829
  • Enables default_field fix for Filebeat indices #33439
  • Adds reindex feature to Upgrade Assistant #27457
  • Shows interstitial prompt when Elasticsearch is upgrading #31309
  • Allows running Kibana against the next major version of Elasticsearch #30390
  • Introduces Chinese translations #29616
  • Adds for i18n_integrate tool #21035
  • Adds include option to i18n_check for 3rd party plugins #26963
  • Adds token auth provider #26997
  • Introduces content security policy (CSP) #29545
  • Adds content security policy strict mode #29856
  • Enables Kibana query language support for Time Series Visual Builder #26006

Bug fixes

  • Removes shared metricsFetcher and minor renames #29071
  • Removes the milliseconds format for #27890
  • Fixes API for tokens to support any number #30335
  • Removes backticks in font library #28283
  • Runs duplicate workpad load one time only #30150
  • Updates prop types on RangeArgInput #31654
  • Fixes timefilter bugs #31641
  • Fixes filter clearing on undo/redo #31859
  • Restores delete as OSX shortcut for deleting elements #32704
  • Disables progress bar in fullscreen mode #32942
  • Fixes mapColumn and staticColumn to work with empty tables #33078
  • Makes Canvas use polling only #29647
  • Removes WebSockets from Canvas expressions interpreter #29792
  • Optimizes Canvas REST calls via batching #29847
  • Prevents unnecessary re-renders in ElementWrapper #31734
  • Fixes initializing workpad from WorkpadApp #32163
  • Fixes context elements issue with Element Stats #32510
  • Dedupes server functions in batched requests #32712
  • Fixes resolved_args sync issue when deleting a page #32835
  • Removes gotoPage action in favor of setPage #33175
  • Imports and uses clear function #32589
  • Fixes access types from to function #32691
  • Makes model arguments opt-in #28963
  • Saves workbook assets separately from lighter weight structures #29594
  • Fixes shortcut EventEmitter leak #31779
  • Adds larger minimum element size #32106
  • Fixes element selection on page flip #32111
Cross-Cluster Replication
  • Improves the Add Cluster page #29142
  • Reverts ECS changes for 6.7 #31961
  • Fixes log Rules for AuditD Filebeat Module #28289
  • Updates WaffleMap legend to use gray/blue gradient #28206
  • Adds rule for MySQL error and slowlog #28219
  • Fixes typo in Nginx layout for Metrics Detail page #28601
  • Updates format of System and Redis log lines to match new format #28415
  • Fixes log rules for Apache2 errors #28407
  • Fixes log rules for Nginx errors #28388
  • Changes diskio bytes and ops for Docker to use derivative #28182
  • Adds support for dark mode #29133
  • Adds custom field grouping for Waffle Map #28949
  • Adds flyout for Log Events #28885
  • Adds table view for home page #29192
  • Disables "Add" button on custom "Group by" when field is empty #29779
  • ECS Migration #28205
  • Changes link to traces #29972
  • Adds check to make sure EuiContextMenu popover needs to be closed #30105
  • Fixes row height glitch on mouse over #30744
  • Fixes group by labels by fixing the field names (post ECS migration) #30416
  • Cleans up Docker and Kubernetes fields for ECS #31175
  • Adds a local tsconfig.json to fix implicit typescript project inference #28076
  • Sets format explicitly in date range queries and aggs #28094
  • Fixes index presence detection to work in CCS-only setups #28926
  • Supports read and write data sources from and to saved objects #28016
  • Stops blocking a URL update from propagating through container #29352
  • Uses alternative query string serialization function #29361
  • Removes the Infrastructure breadcrumb from Logs page #29954
  • Patches the log sample dataset to be compatible with default log sources #30060
  • Fixes pre-ECS Filebeat module message reconstruction rules #30398
  • Fixes some Filebeat ECS message formats #31120
  • Uses the log message field configured in the yaml file #32502
  • Picks the specific fields to be sent strictly upon source config creation #32897
  • Displays information on waffle map even when squares get smaller #29083
  • Uses search:includeFrozen setting in all requests #29173
  • Passes index patterns as strings #29927
  • Allows drag-selecting a timerange to disable autorefresh #29947
  • Honors maxConcurrentShardRequests setting #30049
  • Fixes z-index problems with waffle map and Kibana Query Language autocompletion #30044
  • Sets color to transparent if dynamic vector value is null #27821
  • Fixes table to display name instead of ID #32051
  • Handles “no metrics” data gracefully #29424
Kibana App
  • Removes dollar key stripping from search requests #30483
  • Adds referenced pipeline aggs to every level of query #31121
  • Introduces workaround for Vega height bug #31461
  • Logs courier errors to inspector #29408
  • Changes saved dashboards so they don’t require saving before running a report #28617
  • Adds a default sort to the dashboard listing page (asc by title) #29102
  • Removes unused server functionality from the interpreter #32133
  • Fixes empty response from functions #31298
  • Shows actual errors on failed elements and handles null values from functions #32600
  • Fixes the issue with multi-line horizontal legends that push down the chart into the x axis #31466
  • Fixes buildEsQuery so it ignores filters if not in index #29880
  • Uses date_time as format for dates in docvalue_fields #28499
  • Fixes the double rendering of data tables with scrollbar #29360
  • Bumps the max payload size up to 25MB #31974
  • Implements config for disabling welcome screen #28888
  • Adds empty migrationVersion to auto-migration objects #29226
  • Brings back styled name in disabled lab visualization text #27540
  • Fixes red border around touched inputs #29409
  • Removes beta label from GA Metricbeat modules #29720
  • Correctly displays the number of pipeline workers when 0 are saved #33253
Machine Learning
  • Adds anomaly marker to charts when gap exists in data #29628
  • Fixes formatting of values for time of day or week anomalies #32134
  • Fixes URL to get job stats when getting stats for all jobs #33237
  • Fixes for user annotations #29448
  • Fixes double escaping #30492
  • Fixes Job Audit Messages filter #30490
  • Removes extra angle bracket in job groups select #28829
  • Fixes create ingest pipeline label issue #29070
  • Adds privilege checks to File Data Visualizer #29109
  • Adds better error reporting when parsing JSON in file dataviz #29123
  • Fixes job cloning when it has an unknown created_by value #29175
  • Adds ability to override number of sample lines in File Data Visualizer #29214
  • Fixes overflowing metric values in field cards #29255
  • Improves handling of recognizer module manifest parsing errors #29322
  • Switches from Joda to Java timestamp formats #29425
  • Displays recognizer saved objects errors #29734
  • Adds ui-select imports #29823
  • Adds index migration warnings #28938
  • Adds job deleting optimizations #29848
  • Fixes hidden timepicker on the settings and data visualizer landing page #30200
  • Fixes position of job management search bar error #30251
  • Fixes detector help link in advanced wizard #30641
  • Fixes issue when selecting new job to continue in real time #30949
  • Replaces EuiSuperSelect in File Data Visualizer #31128
  • Fixes error when checking privileges for user with no ml_user role #31429
  • Ensures that category examples column contents in the Anomaly Explorer table are easily viewed #28049
  • Displays the category regex/terms in an expanded row for categorization anomalies #28376
  • Adds support to File Data Visualizer for index patterns without a time field #28511
  • Ensures Anomaly Explorer Overall swimlane correctly reflects the View by swimlane time range selection #29469
  • Localizes new job #25647
  • Localizes datavisualizer #25527
  • Localizes job select #27803
  • Localizes explorer #27805
  • Localizes components (part 1) #27957
  • Localizes components (part 5 - JSON tooltips) #27966
  • Adds telemetry #29121
  • Adds documentation links to Visualize and Dashboard #31406
  • Fixes link to Platinum features in License Management #31945
  • Fixes index table test #29357
  • Restores index table test #29368
  • Fixes React warning about missing prop #30147
  • Disables actions for threshold alerts that have default actionType #31129
  • Fixes width of Watcher table #30311
  • Fixes show system indices toggle by turning off others #32258
  • Translates missing labels in index management #28816
  • Fixes Watcher watch_edit_execute_detail template #28922
  • Places Rollup Jobs content at the top of the screen instead of vertically centering it #28703
  • Removes unused ilmHrule classname from ILM #28890
  • Fixes bug in xpackInfo in which keys were being camel-cased during refresh but not during initialization #29304
  • Disables flaky follower indices API integration tests #30157
  • Prevents overwriting ILM config #28370
  • Adds freeze action to ILM UI #28572
  • Edits for set_priority action in ILM UI #29540
  • Improves a11y for activating phases #30101
  • Fixes clearing number of replicas from existing policy #31905
  • Fixes issues with maximum documents and maximum size being set #31998
  • Disables CCR and Remote Clusters when index management is disabled #32203
  • Removes duplicate rendered sections #28566
  • Makes the date in warnings optional for Console #28995
  • Adds Follower index UI #27936
  • Fixes plugin order collision #30596
  • Use a better Aria name in advanced settings #28670
  • Fixes Enh/gis telemetry #29346
  • Collects details #31180
  • Removes custom code for spaces in telemetry #27903
  • Fixes issue with EUI table filtering in Monitoring UI #27504
  • Moves OS info into OSS collection #28605
  • Adds support for unlinked deployments #28278
  • Uses EUITooltips instead of Pivotal UI #29295
  • Awaits promise properly #29001
  • Fixes issues with localization #29372
  • Adds default search fields for each table #29748
  • Adds flag to enable/disable CCR monitoring UI #28840
  • Ensures we are showing the cluster name in the breadcrumbs #30087
  • Restores mappings.json #30153
  • Fixes innocuous error on some monitoring pages #30322
  • Adds Upgrade Assistant telemetry #28878
  • Adds telemetry for visualizations by type #28793
  • Changes null to 0s #29380
  • Fixes misnamed Host filter to ID #32421
  • Fixes broken test snapshot #32715
  • Updates targeted index pattern 6.7 #30984
  • Fixes column repeat issue #30983
  • Fixes zero render bug #31334
  • Replaces heartbeat app icon with uptimeApp #32055
  • Fixes ICMP display in overview page and filter option #32083
  • Fixes PingList component #29014
  • Adds crosshair sync for monitoring page charts #29023
  • Changes sparklines to use a histogram instead of line visualization #29018
  • Fixes total calculation for AllPings #28224
  • Adds i18n to plugin name in sidebar #32586
  • Adds uptime monitoring #27552
  • Renames plugin #28008
  • Removes beaker icon and updates help text #28018
  • Adds sort API test result to prevent uncertainty #28544
  • Fixes for localization #28183
  • Fixes index count issue #28799
  • Adds #28948
  • Implements EuiSuperDatePicker #28217
  • Disables update button for SDP #29150
  • Fixes "last updated" field #28720
  • Refactors Elasticsearch queries and associated components and endpoints #29374
  • Deletes stacked RTT chart #29446
  • Uses EUI color palette for charts and histograms #29439
  • Allows filter dropdown search for ID and removes client-side size limits #29557
  • Adds loading states for Snapshot and Filter Bar #29858
  • Allows greater than default size for snapshot count #29681
  • Updates title and remove redundant paragraph from empty index prompt #30093
  • Fixes responsive snapshot histogram chart #29649
  • Migrates from i18n context to provider #30124
  • Formats the timeseries data to local time #30160
  • Fixes snapshot query to handle large numbers of monitors #30441
  • Replaces heartbeat app icon #30530
  • Adds link to new Discuss forum #31148
  • Fixes flaky behavior and re-enables Uptime API tests #32819
  • Changes copy on empty state component #33044
  • Adds searching by index and node to UI #33065
  • Fixes Security index should to reindex into .security-7 #31996
  • Adds UI for deleting old .tasks index #29774
  • Prepends to index name during reindexing instead of appending #30114
  • Sets React version to string, not semver object #33079
  • Uses trap to generate report for non-PR builds #26829
  • Adds support to kbn-es and kbn-test for data archives #28723
  • Makes ReindexWorker resilient to ES connection issues #29908
  • Fixes for Upgrade Assistant #29663
  • Adds cancel button to reindexing in Upgrade Assistant #29913
  • Upgrades caniuse-lite and browserlist #29358
  • Converts dev/run helper to Typescript #32705
  • Add script to verify that all TS is in a project #32727
  • Fixes accessibility problems on Upgrade Assistant #29013
  • Fixes pre-commit git hook setup when running into the windows shell #27557
  • Fixes Chrome EUI icons on status page #29131
  • Upgrades thread loader #27518
  • Adds support for generating Docker image on Kibana build #28380
  • Adds traces to Node warnings #27848
  • Adds support for previously re-indexed ML/Watcher indices #31046
  • Allows for compatibility with ES 7.x #30636
  • Switches implicit server.log behavior with tmpl to logWithMetadata #29002
  • Makes migration mapping change detection more robust #28252
  • Changes scripts.inline to scripts.source #30457
  • Uses testSubjects.existOrFail in pageObjects/header #28632
  • Fixes the confirm overwrite modal of saved objects to handle large titles #28590
  • Updates locale data for IntlRelativeFormat and IntlMessageFormat #26468
  • Converts stream util tests to jest #27499
  • Fixes es_archiver rebuild_all action to support nested directories #27592
  • Adds get$() method #27425
  • Disables the welcome page automatically #28792
  • Converts core components to Typescript #28880
  • Adds push/filter methods #29566
  • Uses --oss to load Kibana faster and avoid timeout #32162
  • Uses Kibana locale when loading content from the Elastic Maps Service #29671
  • Core task manager #24356
  • Allows Task Manager’s internal init to fail and retry #28130
  • Ensures putTemplate will only create/update the index template #28540
  • Allows select settings to specify labels for their values #29584
  • Makes the plugin have the right config prefix #30005
  • Removes [DOC_TYPE] from index template body #30261
  • Defaults to true when not in distributable #32803
  • Fixes data points on maps not showing up in reports #31949
  • Copies Post URL to track layoutID in state #30029
  • Adds accessibility improvements for the Space Selector screen #28865
  • Adds create_snapshot privilege #31086
  • Allows run_as to be arbitrary string to support patterns and unknown users #32779
  • Adds manage_leader_index privilege #33154
  • Adds dummy function to avoid warning #32070
  • Removes reference to ui/chrome Breadcrumb type #28526
Time Series Visual Builder
  • Prevents filter colors from overriding label colors in Time Series Visual Builder #30822
  • Stops Time Series Visual Builder from flashes a chart upon clicking create #30946
  • Fixes Time Series Visual Builder percentile aggregation in Gauge, metric and Top N #31680
  • Fixes issues with retaining results in Time Series Visual Builder #32003
  • Prevents triggering autorefresh when autofetch false #30405
  • Fixes Vega tooltip position on scroll #30795
  • Preserves x-axis order in vislib #31533
  • Fixes Timelion data-render-complete attribute on resize #29320
  • Improves visualization type selection accessibility #29498