5.0.0 Release Notes


The lists below cover changes between 4.6.2 and 5.0.0 only.

Also see Breaking changes in 5.0.


  • New plugin installer: bin/kibana-plugin #6402
  • Ability to specify multiple config files as CLI arguments #6825
  • Display plugins versions #7221
  • Bind Kibana server to localhost by default #8013
  • Only proxy whitelisted request headers to Elasticsearch #6896
  • Remove client node filtering in the Elasticsearch version check #6840
  • A new design #6239
  • Friendly error message when Kibana is already running #6735
  • Logging configuration can be reloaded with SIGHUP #6720
  • Abortable timeout counter to notifications #6364
  • Upgrade Node.js to version 6.9.0 for improved memory use and a segfault fix #8733
  • Warn on startup if plugins don’t support the version of Kibana #8283
  • Add additional verification to ensure supported Elasticsearch version #8229
  • Add unique instance identifier #6378
  • Add state:storeInSessionState option enabling shorter URLs and enhancing Internet Explorer support #8022
  • Improve user experience when query returns no results #7286
  • Display message when "Export All" request fails #6976
  • Dashboard refresh interval persisted on save #7365
Dev Tools
  • Add Dev Tools application, including Console (previously known as Sense) #8171
  • Default columns are configurable #5696
  • Render field type in tooltip when mousing over name #6243
  • Add field-exists filter button to doc table #6166
  • Enable better caching of time-based requests by Elasticsearch #6643
  • Automatic filter pinning option in advanced settings #5730
  • Rename Settings to Management #7284
  • Add boolean field formatter #7935
  • Add painless support for scripted fields #7700
  • Custom notification banner configured via advanced settings #6791
  • Duration field formatter for numbers #6499
  • Title case field formatter for strings #6413
  • Add support for apps to specify their order in the left navigation bar #8767
  • Separate plugin version and supported version of Kibana #8222
  • Expose the Kibana app base URL, no more hardcoding /app/kibana in urls #8072
  • Add requireDefaultIndex route option, enabling index pattern independent plugins #7516
  • Add plugin preInit extension point #7069
  • Plugins can prefix their config values #6554
  • Add basePath to server’s defaultRoute #6953
  • Do not render directory listings for static assets #6764
  • Automatically redirect http traffic to https #5959
  • Write process pid file as soon as it is known #4680
  • Log most events by default and only errors when in quiet mode #5952
  • Improve user interface to emphasize difference between Original URLs and Snapshot URLs. #8172
  • Emit new state and message, on status change #7513
  • Add Timelion to Kibana core #7994
  • Add y-axis logarithmic scale for bar charts #7939
  • Add option to set legend position #7931
  • Add legend tooltips #7890
  • Add x-axis title labels #7845

Bug fixes

  • Fix alias support when fetching types #8338
  • Report useful error message when sessionStorage is unavailable #8343
  • Prevent dashboard title tooltip from being cut off #6464
  • Only display Visualize button when a field is aggregatable #8694
  • Use lt instead of lte for safer upper bound in range filter #7129
  • Fix date histogram filtering #7126
  • No longer remove selection when refreshing fields #8312
  • Notify user of failures when deleting saved objects #7345
  • Add title to visState when the visualization is saved #7185
  • Back button now works #5982
  • Show no value instead of interpolating undefined with empty values in URL string formatters #6291
  • Console logs display date/time in UTC #8534
  • Plugins without init function no longer show statuses #7953
  • Absolute time picker updates when time selection changes #8383
  • Prevent relative timepicker values from being negative #6607
  • Remove average from standard deviation metrics #7827
  • Always set output.params.min_doc_count on Histograms #8349
  • Set minimum aggregation size to 1, Elasticsearch returns an error for 0 #8339
  • Add milliseconds to Date Histogram interval options #6796
  • Do not perform unnecessary round-trip to Elasticsearch when there are no changes in request parameters #7960
  • Tile map dots no longer shrink to extreme tiny size on some zooms #8000
  • Table visualizations display correctly when changing paging options #8422
  • Filter non-aggregatable fields from visualization editor #8421
  • Prevent charts from unnecessarily rendering twice #8371
  • Display custom label for percentile ranks aggregation #7123
  • Display custom label for percentile and median metric visualizations #7021
  • Back button now works #5986
  • Fix extraneous bounds for tilemap #7068
  • Median visualization properly shows value rather than ? #7003
  • Map zoom is persisted when saving visualization #6835
  • Drag aggregations to sort #6566
  • Table sort is persisted on save #5953
  • Ignore extended bounds when "Show empty buckets" unselected #5960
  • Using custom label for standard deviation aggregation #6407

Deprecations & Removals

  • Remove "Exclude Pattern Flags" and "Include Pattern Flags" from terms and significant terms aggregations #6714
  • Deprecate ascending sort for terms aggregations #8167
  • Deprecate split chart option for tile map visualization #6001