WARNING: Version 5.2 of Kibana has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
editA metric visualization displays a single number for each aggregation you select:
- Count
- The count aggregation returns a raw count of the elements in the selected index pattern.
- Average
- This aggregation returns the average of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
- Sum
- The sum aggregation returns the total sum of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
- Min
- The min aggregation returns the minimum value of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
- Max
- The max aggregation returns the maximum value of a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
- Unique Count
- The cardinality aggregation returns the number of unique values in a field. Select a field from the drop-down.
- Standard Deviation
- The extended stats aggregation returns the standard deviation of data in a numeric field. Select a field from the drop-down.
- Percentiles
- The percentile aggregation divides the values in a numeric field into percentile bands that you specify. Select a field from the drop-down, then specify one or more ranges in the Percentiles fields. Click the X to remove a percentile field. Click + Add to add a percentile field.
- Percentile Rank
- The percentile ranks aggregation returns the percentile rankings for the values in the numeric field you specify. Select a numeric field from the drop-down, then specify one or more percentile rank values in the Values fields. Click the X to remove a values field. Click +Add to add a values field.
You can add an aggregation by clicking the + Add Metrics button.
Enter a string in the Custom Label field to change the display label.
You can click the Advanced link to display more customization options:
- JSON Input
- A text field where you can add specific JSON-formatted properties to merge with the aggregation definition, as in the following example:
{ "script" : "doc['grade'].value * 1.2" }
In Elasticsearch releases 1.4.3 and later, this functionality requires you to enable dynamic Groovy scripting.
The availability of these options varies depending on the aggregation you choose.
Click the Options tab to display the font size slider.
Viewing Detailed Information
editTo display the raw data behind the visualization, click the bar at the bottom of the container. Tabs with detailed information about the raw data replace the visualization:
TableA representation of the underlying data, presented as a paginated data grid. You can sort the items in the table by clicking on the table headers at the top of each column.
RequestThe raw request used to query the server, presented in JSON format.
ResponseThe raw response from the server, presented in JSON format.
StatisticsA summary of the statistics related to the request and the response, presented as a data grid. The data grid includes the query duration, the request duration, the total number of records found on the server, and the index pattern used to make the query.
To export the raw data behind the visualization as a comma-separated-values (CSV) file, click on either the Raw or Formatted links at the bottom of any of the detailed information tabs. A raw export contains the data as it is stored in Elasticsearch. A formatted export contains the results of any applicable Kibana field formatters.