Installing Kibana with apt and yum


Installing Kibana with apt and yum


Binary packages for Kibana are available for Unix distributions that support the apt and yum tools. We also have repositories available for APT and YUM based distributions.

Since the packages are created as part of the Kibana build, source packages are not available.

Packages are signed with the PGP key D88E42B4, which has the following fingerprint:

4609 5ACC 8548 582C 1A26 99A9 D27D 666C D88E 42B4
Installing Kibana with apt-get
  1. Download and install the Public Signing Key:

    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Add the repository definition to your /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kibana.list file:

    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

    Use the echo method described above to add the Kibana repository. Do not use add-apt-repository, as that command adds a deb-src entry with no corresponding source package. When the deb-src entry, is present, the commands in this procedure generate an error similar to the following:

    Unable to find expected entry 'main/source/Sources' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)

    Delete the deb-src entry from the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kibana.list file to clear the error.

  3. Run apt-get update and the repository is ready for use. Install Kibana with the following command:

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kibana
  4. Configure Kibana to automatically start during bootup. If your distribution is using the System V version of init, run the following command:

    sudo update-rc.d kibana defaults 95 10
  5. If your distribution is using systemd, run the following commands instead:

    sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service
Installing Kibana with yum

The repositories set up in this procedure are not compatible with distributions using version 3 of rpm, such as CentOS version 5.

  1. Download and install the public signing key:

    rpm --import
  2. Create a file named kibana.repo in the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory with the following contents:

    name=Kibana repository for 4.5.x packages
  3. Install Kibana by running the following command:

    yum install kibana

    Configure Kibana to automatically start during bootup. If your distribution is using the System V version of init (check with ps -p 1), run the following command:

    chkconfig --add kibana
  4. If your distribution is using systemd, run the following commands instead:

    sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo /bin/systemctl enable kibana.service