Kibana 4.2 Release Notes


Kibana 4.2 Release Notes

  • Starting with the 2.0 release of Elasticsearch, you can no longer reference fields by leafnode. For example, the geoip.country_code field can no longer support searches such as country_code:US. Instead, use the entire field name. This change affects saved searches, visualizations, and dashboards from previous versions of Kibana.
  • Kibana no longer features copy-to-clipboard functionality.


  • Issue 2855: Configurable Kibana log levels.
  • Issue 4204: Plugin manager for Kibana server.
  • Issue 4218: New interface for switching between plugins.
  • Issue 3270: Server status page.
  • Issue 2245: Customizable visualization descriptions.
  • Issue 2906: Dark theme added to dashboards.
  • Issue 1902: Tile maps support configurable WMS-compliant map servers.
  • Issue 2245: Customize legends for the Filter aggregation.
  • Issue 4817: Advanced Settings option maps values to colors.
  • Issue 2874: Advanced Settings option to change default timepicker value.
  • Issue 2760: Adds ability to filter by clicking on a legend.
  • Issue 485: Adds color rationalization across visualizations.

Bug Fixes

  • Issue 4902: Fixes a problem with object export logic.
  • Issue 3694: Improves timezone handling in visualizations as a result of Olson timezone support in ES.
  • Issue 4261: Improves highlighting on embedded searches in dashboards.
  • Issue 4816: Improves history limit setting to clear past history.
  • Issue 4670: Fixes issue with range aggregation.
  • Issue 4244: Fixes issue with pie chart labels.

Kibana 4.2.2
