Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.8.1


Review important information about the Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.8.1 release.

Known issues

Elastic Defend and Elastic Agent CPU spike when connectivity to Elasticsearch and/or Logstash is lost.


When the output server (Elasticsearch or Logstash) is unreachable, versions 8.8.0 & 8.8.1 of Elastic Defend (or Elastic Endpoint) and Elastic Agent may enter a state where they repeatedly communicate with each other indefinitely. This manifests as both processes consuming dramatically more CPU, constantly.

Versions 8.8.0 & 8.8.1 are affected on all operating systems. Elastic Agent does not manifest the behavior unless the Elastic Defend integration is enabled.


This issue was resolved in version 8.8.2. If you are using Elastic Agent with the Elastic Defend integration, please update to 8.8.2 or later.


  • Add Elastic Agent UI instructions for Universal Profile. #158936
Fleet Server
  • Add Fleet configuration file to Elastic Agent diagnostics bundle. #2632 #2623

Bug fixes

  • Include hidden data streams in package upgrade. #158654
Elastic Agent
  • Fix potential communication issue when a running component would lose connection to the Elastic Agent and be unable to re-connect because of a concurrent updated component model. #2729 #2691
  • Retry download step during upgrade process. #2776