Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.5.3


Review important information about the Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.5.3 release.

Known issues

Installation of Elastic Agent on MacOS Ventura may fail if Full Disk Access has not been granted to the installer

This issue occurs on MacOS Ventura when Full Disk Access is not granted to the application that runs the installation command. This could be either a Terminal or any custom package that a user has built to distribute Elastic Agent.

Elastic Agent will fail to install and produce "Error: failed to fix permissions: chown elastic-agent.app: operation not permitted" message. Ensure that the application used to install Elastic Agent (for example, the Terminal or custom package) has Full Disk Access before running sudo ./elastic-agent install.

Bug fixes

  • No bug fixes in this release
Fleet Server
Elastic Agent
  • No bug fixes in this release