Fleet and Elastic Agent 7.17.23


Review important information about the Fleet and Elastic Agent 7.17.23 release.

Security updates

Fleet Server
  • Update Fleet Server Go version to 1.21.11. #3607

Known issues

After upgrading to an 8.x version Elastic Agent rolls back to version 7.17.23.


A problem has been found that after Elastic Agent is upgraded from version 7.17.23 to an 8.x version, after a period of time the agent rolls back to version 7.17.23.


This issue appears to affect only Elastic Agent version 7.17.23. As a workaround, it’s recommended to avoid upgrading your agents to 7.17.23 if you plan to upgrade to 8.x before 7.17.24 is released.

If you already have Elastic Agents on that version and you plan to upgrade, when version 7.17.24 is available you can first upgrade to that version, and from there you can upgrade to an 8.x version as usual.