Connector known issues


Connector known issues


Connector service


The connector service has the following known issues:

  • Deploying multiple instances of the connector service can lead to unexpected behavior

    The connector service asynchronously reads state from Elasticsearch, and based on this state determines if a sync should run.

    Deploying multiple instances can lead to race conditions where all instances will attempt to run the same sync workload.

  • Custom scheduling might break when upgrading from version 8.6 or earlier.

    Use the following manual workaround:

    POST /.elastic-connectors/_update/<connector-id>
      "doc": {
        "custom_scheduling": {}

Individual connector known issues


Individual connectors may have additional known issues. Refer to each connector’s reference documentation for connector-specific known issues.

Workplace Search connector known issues


For Workplace Search connectors, see the Workplace Search documentation.