Elastic App Search and Elastic Workplace Search


Elastic App Search and Elastic Workplace Search


App Search and Workplace Search provide teams with tools to implement search experiences for websites, applications, and workplace content.

Some App Search and Workplace Search tools, such as the web crawler and connectors, are also available outside of these applications.

If you are just getting started, use the Enterprise Search getting started guide to choose the right tools for your use case.

App Search


App Search introduces engines to the Elastic platform. See Indices, engines, content sources to learn more about the features enabled by engines and how to use them with Elasticsearch indices.

Visit the App Search documentation →

Workplace Search


Workplace Search provides connectors to sync content across a variety of service providers, such as Atlassian, Box, Dropbox, Google, Microsoft, and many others. See Connectors to learn about different options for using connectors with your Elastic deployment.

Visit the Workplace Search documentation →

Users and access


App Search and Workplace Search use similar strategies for user management and access. The following documentation covers users and access for these products: