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Stop transforms API


Stops one or more transforms.



POST _transform/<transform_id>/_stop

POST _transform/<transform_id1>,<transform_id2>/_stop

POST _transform/_all/_stop



Requires the manage_transform cluster privilege. This privilege is included in the transform_admin built-in role.

Path parameters

(Required, string) Identifier for the transform. To stop multiple transforms, use a comma-separated list or a wildcard expression. To stop all transforms, use _all or * as the identifier.

Query parameters


(Optional, Boolean) Specifies what to do when the request:

  • Contains wildcard expressions and there are no transforms that match.
  • Contains the _all string or no identifiers and there are no matches.
  • Contains wildcard expressions and there are only partial matches.

The default value is true, which returns a successful acknowledgement message when there are no matches. When there are only partial matches, the API stops the appropriate transforms. For example, if the request contains test-id1*,test-id2* as the identifiers and there are no transforms that match test-id2*, the API nonetheless stops the transforms that match test-id1*.

If this parameter is false, the request returns a 404 status code when there are no matches or only partial matches.

(Optional, Boolean) Set to true to stop a failed transform or to forcefully stop a transform that did not respond to the initial stop request.
(Optional, time value) If wait_for_completion=true, the API blocks for (at maximum) the specified duration while waiting for the transform to stop. If more than timeout time has passed, the API throws a timeout exception. Even if a timeout exception is thrown, the stop request is still processing and eventually moves the transform to STOPPED. The timeout simply means the API call itself timed out while waiting for the status change. Defaults to 30s.
(Optional, Boolean) If set to true, the transform will not completely stop until the current checkpoint is completed. If set to false, the transform stops as soon as possible. Defaults to false.
(Optional, Boolean) If set to true, causes the API to block until the indexer state completely stops. If set to false, the API returns immediately and the indexer will be stopped asynchronously in the background. Defaults to false.

Response codes

404 (Missing resources)
If allow_no_match is false, this code indicates that there are no resources that match the request or only partial matches for the request.


resp = client.transform.stop_transform(
response = client.transform.stop_transform(
  transform_id: 'ecommerce_transform'
puts response
const response = await client.transform.stopTransform({
  transform_id: "ecommerce_transform",
POST _transform/ecommerce_transform/_stop

When the transform stops, you receive the following results:

  "acknowledged" : true
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