Elasticsearch version 7.16.0


Elasticsearch version 7.16.0


Also see Breaking changes in 7.16.


  • Improve single-node watermark deprecation checks #80824 (issue: #80817)
  • Adding a deprecation info API check for SAML nameid_format setting #77276 (issues: #42404, #44090)
Cluster Coordination
  • Adding a deprecation info check for cluster.join.timeout #76944 (issue: #42404)
  • Add deprecation info and warnings for an empty _tier_preference #79305 (issue: #76147)
  • Adding deprecation logging and deprecation info API for ILM freeze ation #77969 (issues: #42404, #70192)
Indices APIs
  • Change default deprecation logger level to CRITICAL #77030 (issue: #76754)
  • Deprecation logs indexing is enabled by default #78991 (issues: #76292, #78850)
  • Exposing the ability to log deprecated settings at non-critical level #79107 (issues: #77482, #78781)
  • REST API to reset deprecation indexing cache #78392 (issue: #78134)
  • Add category field to deprecation logs #77550 (issue: #67443)
  • Script: Deprecate script context cache #79508 (issue: #62899)
Java High Level REST Client
  • Add deprecation headers to HLRC classes #79754
Machine Learning
  • Deprecate estimated_heap_memory_usage_bytes and replace with model_size_bytes #80545
  • Deprecate monitoring settings #79499
  • Deprecate create_legacy_templates setting on HTTP exporters #78564
  • Deprecate the monitoring ingest settings #77659 (issue: #77459)

Known issues

  • Painless: Any Painless script where a method call resolves a lambda argument to a UnaryOperator or a BinaryOperator type results in an IllegalArgumentException. This exception results in a compilation error when static types are used, or a runtime error for dynamic types. Use standard procedural statements as a workaround, such as if/else, while, and for statements.

    The following example is a UnaryOperator type that will result in a failure:

    List l = ['abc', '123']; l.replaceAll(f -> f.replace('abc', 'doremi');

    The following example is a possible workaround:

    List l = ['abc', '123'];
    for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
        l.set(i, l.get(i).replace('abc', 'doremi'));

New features

Data streams
  • API for adding and removing indices from a data stream #79279 (issue: #75852)
Machine Learning
  • Text/Log categorization multi-bucket aggregation #71752
  • Add ability to perform CCS through SQL querying #78903


  • Adds support for the rate aggregation under a composite aggregation #76992 (issue: #76988)
  • Interrupt aggregation reduce phase if the search task is cancelled #71714 (issue: #71021)
  • Add deprecation check for adjacency matrix setting #77802 (issue: #46327)
  • Replace RoutingTable#shardsWithState(...) with RoutingNodes#unassigned(...) #78931 (issue: #77466)
  • Reuse local node in async shard fetch responses #77991 (issue: #77266)
  • Add cluster UUID and name to audit logs #79401 (issue: #72408)
  • Remove HTTPS check for API Keys & Service Accounts #76801
  • Add privileges to kibana_system for upgrading endpoint hidden indices #80140
  • Allow fleet-server service account to set up Fleet #78192 (issue: #78078)
  • Grant additional privileges for endpoint transform indices to kibana_system #79619
  • Grant privileges required by package upgrade to kibana_system #78049 (issue: #77294)
  • Optimize FLS/DLS setup in IndicePermission authz #77832
  • Skip loading authorized indices if requests do not need them #78321
  • Superuser fastpath for indexAccessControl #78498
  • Update transform destination index privilege for kibana_system #79076
  • Use fixed size memory allocation in IndicesPermission #77748
  • Add proper permissions to fleet server for Endpoint response index #80231
  • Migrate custom role providers to licensed feature #79127
  • Add description to shard changes action request #80275 (issue: #79311)
Cluster Coordination
  • Add cluster state serialization stats #78816
  • Add timing stats to publication process #76771 (issue: #76625)
  • Get hot threads on lagging nodes #78879
  • Improve error message in 8.x to 7.x downgrade #78644 (issue: #78638)
  • Improve logging in LeaderChecker #78883
  • Mention "warn threshold" in master service slowlog #76815 (issue: #76625)
  • Recycle pages used by outgoing publications #77407 (issue: #77317)
  • Reuse previous indices lookup when possible #79004 (issues: #77888, #78980)
  • Validate PING and STATE connections at join time #77741
Composite aggregations
  • Support _first and _last ordering of missing values in composite aggregations #76740 (issues: #34550, #63523)
Data streams
  • Add Fleet search API to wait on refreshes #73134 (issue: #71449)
  • Add support for superseding in CancellableSingleObjectCache #80199
  • Sequences will now support nano-timestamps #76953 (issue: #68812)
  • Apply the reader wrapper on can_match source #78988
  • Enable sort optimization in query Lucene changes #77907
  • Honor max segment size when setting only_expunge_deletes on force merge #77478 (issues: #61764, #77270)
  • Add support for metrics aggregations to mvt end point #78614 (issue: #77072)
  • Include _index property for each hit in _mvt response #77995 (issue: #77205)
  • Add track_total_hits support in mvt API #78074 (issue: #77222)
  • Improve LifecycleExecutionState parsing #77855 (issue: #77466)
  • Reduce the number of times that LifecycleExecutionState is parsed when running a policy #77863 (issue: #77466)
  • Add built-in ILM policies for common user use cases #76791
  • Allow for setting the total shards per node in the Allocate ILM action #76134
Indices APIs
  • Fleet: Add action_response into .fleet-actions-results mapping #79584
  • Store template’s mappings as bytes for disk serialization #78746
  • Allow indices lookup to be built lazily #78745 (issue: #77466)
  • Add optional content checking to ResourceWatcher #79423
  • Add other time accounting in HotThreads #79392
  • Add upgrade preparation and completion callbacks to SystemIndexPlugin #78542
  • Cache index.hidden setting #78612 (issue: #77974)
  • Enable wait/blocked time accounting #77935 (issue: #72376)
  • Handle empty /proc/self/cgroup file #78659 (issue: #77833)
  • Implement framework for migrating system indices #78951
  • Require System Index Descriptors to allow a specific suffix #78355
  • Support mem type in nodes hot_threads API #72850 (issue: #70345)
  • Use enum field for HotThreads report type #77462
Infra/Node Lifecycle
  • Enable exit on out of memory error #71542
  • Add a direct sub classes data structure to the Painless lookup #76955
  • Add ability to augment classes with fields from other classes in Painless #76628
  • Add dynamic (duck) type resolution to Painless static types #78575
  • Adds a lookup method to Painless for finding methods of all sub classes #77044
  • UnsignedLong field type converter #77271
  • Compile/cache eviction history metric placeholders #78257 (issue: #62899)
  • Add show command to the keystore CLI #76693 (issue: #57261)
  • Filtering setting deprecation info API messages based on a setting #78725
  • Add enrich node cache #76800 (issue: #48988)
  • Add indices pipeline settings check when deleting a pipeline #77013
  • Allow range types to be used for enrich matching #76110
  • ECS support for Grok processor #76885 (issue: #66528)
  • Improving cache lookup to reduce recomputing / searches #77259
  • Make enrich policy execution cancelable #77188 (issue: #48988)
  • Optimistic concurrency control for updating ingest pipelines #78551 (issue: #77031)
  • Sync grok processor patterns with Logstash #76752
  • Updating ingest pipeline without changes is no-op #78196 (issue: #77382)
Java High Level REST Client
  • Add support for rest compatibility headers to the HLRC #78490 (issue: #77859)
  • Add license family attribute to feature usage tracking #76622
  • Add utility for tracking licensed persistent tasks #76672
  • Separate feature usage tracking for FLS and DLS #79152
  • Use a licensed feature per realm-type (+custom) #78810
Machine Learning
  • Add new normalize_above parameter to p_value significant terms heuristic #78833
  • Add new default char filter first_line_with_letters for machine learning categorization #77457
  • Add new defer_definition_decompression parameter to put trained model API #77189 (issue: #77132)
  • Enable ML on macOS on ARM #78203
  • Track feature usage for data frame analytics, inference, and anomaly jobs #76789
  • Speed up training of regression and classification models #2024
  • Improve concurrency for training regression and classification models #2031
  • Improve aspects of implementation of skip_model_update rule #2053
  • Make sure instrumentation captures the best hyperparameters found for training classification and regression models https://github.com/elastic/ml-cpp/pull/2057{#2057}
  • Better error message for long keys in flattened fields #80433 (issue: #78248)
  • Add time_series_metric parameter #76766 (issue: #74014)
  • Add dimension mapping parameter #74450 (issue: #74014)
  • Remove license check for monitoring data retention #79010
  • Switch to Ubuntu docker base image #80640
  • Use Cloudflare’s zlib in Docker images #81245 (issue: #81208)
  • Use almalinux as the Docker base image #80524 (issue: #76681)
  • Add support for peer recoveries using snapshots after primary failovers #77420 (issue: #73496)
  • Respect generational files in recoveryDiff #77695 (issues: #55142, #55239)
  • Limit concurrent snapshot file restores in recovery per node #79316 (issue: #79044)
  • Add _ignored and _routing metatada fields to fields API #78981 (issues: #75836, #78828)
  • Add _index and _version metatada fields to fields API #79042 (issues: #75836, #78828)
  • Add ability to retrieve _id via fields option #78828 (issue: #75836)
  • Add node-level field capabilities API requests #79212 (issues: #74648, #77047, #78647)
  • Add segment sorter for data streams #75195
  • Add sort optimization with after from Lucene #64292
  • Don’t always rewrite the Lucene query in search phases #79358
  • Expand segment sorter for all timeseries indices #78639 (issue: #75195)
  • Node level can match action #78765
  • Search - return ignored field values from fields API #78697 (issue: #74121)
  • Support request cache on frozen tier #77694 (issue: #75309)
  • Use search_coordination threadpool for field capabilities API requests #79378 (issue: #79212)
  • Create a sha-256 hash of the shard request cache key #74877 (issue: #74061)
  • Add extensionName() to security extension #79329
  • Optimize StringMatcher for match-all patterns #77738
  • CreateApiKey response now returns the base64-encoded credentials #77351 (issue: #50235)
  • Add filtering by SLM policy to get snapshots API #77321
  • Add sort by shard count and failed shard count to get snapshots API #77011
  • Add descriptions to various tasks #76700
  • Add maintenance service to clean up unused docs in snapshot blob cache #77686
  • Add periodic maintenance task to clean up unused blob store cache docs #78438 (issue: #77686)
  • Filter Unneeded SnapshotInfo Instances Early in TransportGetSnapshotsAction #78032 (issue: #74350)
  • Implement exclude patterns for snapshot and repository names in get snapshots API #77308
  • Implement sort by repository name in get snapshots API #77049
  • Implement from_sort_value parameter in get snapshots API #77618
  • Add _meta field to TransformConfig #79003 (issue: #77506)
  • Add method to collect deprecations from a transform configuration #77565
  • Add transform upgrade endpoint #77566
  • Reduce indexes to query based on checkpoints #75839
  • Implement the ability to preview the existing transform #76697 (issue: #76427)

Bug fixes

  • Add extra round trip to aggregation tests #79638 (issue: #73680)
  • Fix rate aggregation with custom _doc_count #79346 (issue: #77734)
  • Fix several potential circuit breaker leaks in aggregators #79676
  • Scale doubles to floats when necessary to match the field #78344 (issue: #77033)
  • Support for aggregation names with dots in first element path of a pipeline aggregation #77481
  • Make disk.threshold_enabled operator only #78822 (issue: #77846)
  • Improve permission granting for index referred by multiple names #78902
  • Tighten API key behaviour with DLS and incompatible license #78378
  • Adjust _cat/templates to not request all metadata #78829
  • Clear auto-follow errors on deleting pattern #80544 (issue: #77723)
  • Use query param instead of a system property for opting in for new cluster health response code #79351 (issues: #70849, #78940)
Cluster Coordination
  • Avoid early release of local forking requests #77641 (issues: #77407, #77634)
  • Check for global blocks after IndexNotFoundException in TransportMasterNodeAction #78128 (issue: #70572)
  • Improve control of outgoing connection lifecycles #77295 (issue: #67873)
  • Only remove active peer on connection failure #79557 (issues: #77295, #79550)
  • Reduce merging in PersistedClusterStateService #79793 (issue: #77466)
Data streams
  • Add replicated field to get data stream API response #80988 (issue: #118899)
  • Correct check for write index and increment generation on all data stream backing index operations #79916
  • Fix data stream bug causing it to rollover to a non-existent Index #79759
  • Fix IndexNotFoundException error when handling remove alias action #80312
  • Fix data stream alias validation #81040 (issue: #80972)
  • Fix Fleet search API with no checkpoints #79400
  • Modify Fleet search URLs to avoid URL collisions #79776
  • Add optional fields and limit joining keys on non-null values only #79677
  • Fix bug filtering collinear points on vertical lines #81155 (issues: #59501, #81076)
  • Spherical mercator transformation should handle properly out of bounds latitudes #81145 (issue: #81128)
  • Vector tiles: Add key bucket value to the aggregation layer #79634 (issue: #79585)
  • Prevent duplicate ILM cluster state updates from being created #78390 (issues: #77466, #78246)
  • Run ILM and SLM stopping cluster state updates at IMMEDIATE priority #80207 (issue: #80099)
  • Validate that snapshot repository exists for ILM policies during GenerateSnapshotNameStep #77657 (issue: #72957)
Indices APIs
  • Get templates APIs don’t support lists #78989 (issue: #78829)
  • Disable deprecation log indexing until templates are loaded #80406 (issue: #80265)
  • Stricter UpdateSettingsRequest parsing on the REST layer #79228 (issue: #29268)
  • Fix flood stage with system indices #80674
  • Addressing assertion failure, downgrading to exception - enrich #79717
  • Fix executing missing enrich policy bug #80728
Java High Level REST Client
  • Force typed keys in the HLRC get async search #78992 (issue: #77608)
Machine Learning
  • Address potential ML feature reset permissions bug #79179
  • Adjust ML memory tracker to reduce logging impact #78482
  • Audit job open failures and stop any corresponding datafeeds #80665 (issues: #48934, #80621)
  • Fix acceptable model snapshot versions in ML deprecation checker #81060 (issues: #79387, #81039, #119745)
  • Fix autoscaling capacity consistency #81181
  • Fix bug in inference stats persister for when feature reset is called #77213 (issue: #77182)
  • Fix datafeed preview with remote indices #81099 (issue: #77109)
  • Fix language identification bug when multi-languages are present #80675
  • Fix model snapshot sorting when sorting by min_version #80596 (issue: #80561)
  • ML legacy index templates that are no longer needed should be deleted #80874 (issue: #80876)
  • Need to tolerate .ml-config being an alias #80025
  • Parent datafeed actions to the datafeed’s persistent task #81143
  • Wait for .ml-state-write alias to be readable #79731 (issue: #79636)
  • Improve the estimates of hyperparameter importance in data frame analytics and avoid incorrectly stopping the hyperparameter search prematurely #2073
  • Fix numerical instability in hyperparameter optimization for training regression and classification models #2078
  • Fix numerical stability issues in time series modeling #[2083]
  • Disable request cache for non-deterministic runtime fields #75054
  • Fix TextFieldMapper Retaining a Reference to its Builder #77251 (issue: #73845)
  • Ensure LIBFFI_TMPDIR is exported by init script #80794
  • Do not release snapshot file download permit during recovery retries #79409 (issue: #79316)
  • Fix NULLS FIRST/LAST for aggregations #77750 (issue: #34550)
  • Fix use of requestTimeout and pageTimeout query parameters #79360 (issue: #72151)
  • Swap JDBC page.timeout and query.timeout properties in query requests #79491 (issue: #79430)
  • Minimize search source of shard level search requests #80634 (issue: #80187)
  • Prevent NullPointerException in SourceConfirmedTextQuery #80472 (issue: #80419)
  • _terms_enum API index_filter doesn’t work with _tier field on upgraded cluster #79553 (issue: #79200)
  • Undeprecate the auto complete thread pool #80204
  • Wildcard field regex query fix #78839 (issue: #78391)
  • Fix Queued Snapshot Clone not Starting after Data Node Drops Out #77111 (issue: #77101)
  • Fix Temporarily Leaking Shard Level Metadata Blobs in some Cases #76562
  • Fix after restore Lucene.pruneUnreferencedFiles() conditional #81047 (issues: #68821, #75308)
  • Improve handling of corrupt index.latest blob #77339
  • Submit GCS delete batch requests incrementally #80540
  • Fix repository-azure for empty settings on reload #79559
  • Fix transform feature reset permissions bug #79178
  • Respect timeout parameters in all APIs #79468 (issue: #79268)
  • Fix watcher check that determines when to serialize indices options #78070 (issue: #78035)
  • Fix index action simulation when indexing several documents #76820 (issues: #66735, #74148)


  • Update owasp-java-html-sanitizer dependency #80806