Info API


The info API provides general information about the installed X-Pack features.



GET /_xpack



The information provided by this API includes:

  • Build Information - including the build number and timestamp.
  • License Information - basic information about the currently installed license.
  • Features Information - The features that are currently enabled and available under the current license.

Path Parameters

(list) A comma-separated list of the information categories to include in the response. For example, build,license,features.
(boolean) Defines whether additional human-readable information is included in the response. In particular, it adds descriptions and a tag line. The default value is true.



The following example queries the info API:

GET /_xpack

Example response:

   "build" : {
      "hash" : "2798b1a3ce779b3611bb53a0082d4d741e4d3168",
      "date" : "2015-04-07T13:34:42Z"
   "license" : {
      "uid" : "893361dc-9749-4997-93cb-xxx",
      "type" : "trial",
      "mode" : "trial",
      "status" : "active",
      "expiry_date_in_millis" : 1542665112332
   "features" : {
      "ccr" : {
        "description" : "Cross Cluster Replication",
        "available" : true,
        "enabled" : true
      "graph" : {
         "description" : "Graph Data Exploration for the Elastic Stack",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : true
      "ilm" : {
               "description" : "Index lifecycle management for the Elastic Stack",
               "available" : true,
               "enabled" : true
      "logstash" : {
         "description" : "Logstash management component for X-Pack",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : true
      "ml" : {
         "description" : "Machine Learning for the Elastic Stack",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : true,
         "native_code_info" : {
           "version" : "6.5.0-SNAPSHOT",
           "build_hash" : "3d394c6afe2fc5"
      "monitoring" : {
         "description" : "Monitoring for the Elastic Stack",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : true
      "rollup": {
        "description": "Time series pre-aggregation and rollup",
         "available": true,
         "enabled": true
      "security" : {
         "description" : "Security for the Elastic Stack",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : false
      "sql" : {
         "description" : "SQL access to Elasticsearch",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : true
      "watcher" : {
         "description" : "Alerting, Notification and Automation for the Elastic Stack",
         "available" : true,
         "enabled" : true
   "tagline" : "You know, for X"

The following example only returns the build and features information:

GET /_xpack?categories=build,features

The following example removes the descriptions from the response:

GET /_xpack?human=false