Configuring a native realm


The easiest way to manage and authenticate users is with the internal native realm.

The native realm is available by default when no other realms are configured. If other realm settings have been configured in elasticsearch.yml, you must add the native realm to the realm chain.

You can configure options for the native realm in the namespace in elasticsearch.yml. Explicitly configuring a native realm enables you to set the order in which it appears in the realm chain, temporarily disable the realm, and control its cache options.

  1. Add a realm configuration of type native to elasticsearch.yml under the namespace. At a minimum, you must set the realm type to native. If you are configuring multiple realms, you should also explicitly set the order attribute.

    See Native realm settings for all of the options you can set for the native realm. For example, the following snippet shows a native realm configuration that sets the order to zero so the realm is checked first:

              type: native
              order: 0
  2. Restart Elasticsearch.
  3. Manage your users in Kibana on the Management / Security / Users page. Alternatively, use the User Management APIs.