IMPORTANT: No additional bug fixes or documentation updates
will be released for this version. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Shared API
editShared API
editThe following API is available in all contexts.
Classes By Package
editThe following classes are available grouped by their respective packages. Click on a class to view details about the available methods and fields.
edit- Appendable
- ArithmeticException
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
- ArrayStoreException
- Boolean
- Byte
- CharSequence
- Character
- Character.Subset
- Character.UnicodeBlock
- Character.UnicodeScript
- ClassCastException
- ClassNotFoundException
- CloneNotSupportedException
- Comparable
- Double
- Enum
- EnumConstantNotPresentException
- Exception
- Float
- IllegalAccessException
- IllegalArgumentException
- IllegalMonitorStateException
- IllegalStateException
- IllegalThreadStateException
- IndexOutOfBoundsException
- InstantiationException
- Integer
- InterruptedException
- Iterable
- Long
- Math
- NegativeArraySizeException
- NoSuchFieldException
- NoSuchMethodException
- NullPointerException
- Number
- NumberFormatException
- Object
- ReflectiveOperationException
- RuntimeException
- SecurityException
- Short
- StackTraceElement
- StrictMath
- String
- StringBuffer
- StringBuilder
- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
- System
- TypeNotPresentException
- UnsupportedOperationException
- Void
edit- Annotation
- AttributedCharacterIterator
- AttributedCharacterIterator.Attribute
- AttributedString
- Bidi
- BreakIterator
- CharacterIterator
- ChoiceFormat
- CollationElementIterator
- CollationKey
- Collator
- DateFormat
- DateFormat.Field
- DateFormatSymbols
- DecimalFormat
- DecimalFormatSymbols
- FieldPosition
- Format
- Format.Field
- MessageFormat
- MessageFormat.Field
- Normalizer
- Normalizer.Form
- NumberFormat
- NumberFormat.Field
- ParseException
- ParsePosition
- RuleBasedCollator
- SimpleDateFormat
- StringCharacterIterator
edit- AbstractCollection
- AbstractList
- AbstractMap
- AbstractMap.SimpleEntry
- AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry
- AbstractQueue
- AbstractSequentialList
- AbstractSet
- ArrayDeque
- ArrayList
- Arrays
- Base64
- Base64.Decoder
- Base64.Encoder
- BitSet
- Calendar
- Calendar.Builder
- Collection
- Collections
- Comparator
- ConcurrentModificationException
- Currency
- Date
- Deque
- Dictionary
- DoubleSummaryStatistics
- DuplicateFormatFlagsException
- EmptyStackException
- Enumeration
- EventListener
- EventListenerProxy
- EventObject
- FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException
- Formattable
- FormattableFlags
- Formatter
- Formatter.BigDecimalLayoutForm
- FormatterClosedException
- GregorianCalendar
- HashMap
- HashSet
- Hashtable
- IdentityHashMap
- IllegalFormatCodePointException
- IllegalFormatConversionException
- IllegalFormatException
- IllegalFormatFlagsException
- IllegalFormatPrecisionException
- IllegalFormatWidthException
- IllformedLocaleException
- InputMismatchException
- IntSummaryStatistics
- Iterator
- LinkedHashMap
- LinkedHashSet
- LinkedList
- List
- ListIterator
- Locale
- Locale.Builder
- Locale.Category
- Locale.FilteringMode
- Locale.LanguageRange
- LongSummaryStatistics
- Map
- Map.Entry
- MissingFormatArgumentException
- MissingFormatWidthException
- MissingResourceException
- NavigableMap
- NavigableSet
- NoSuchElementException
- Objects
- Observable
- Observer
- Optional
- OptionalDouble
- OptionalInt
- OptionalLong
- PrimitiveIterator
- PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble
- PrimitiveIterator.OfInt
- PrimitiveIterator.OfLong
- PriorityQueue
- Queue
- Random
- RandomAccess
- Set
- SimpleTimeZone
- SortedMap
- SortedSet
- Spliterator
- Spliterator.OfDouble
- Spliterator.OfInt
- Spliterator.OfLong
- Spliterator.OfPrimitive
- Spliterators
- Stack
- StringJoiner
- StringTokenizer
- TimeZone
- TooManyListenersException
- TreeMap
- TreeSet
- UnknownFormatConversionException
- UnknownFormatFlagsException
- Vector
editExpand details for java.util.function
- BiConsumer
- BiFunction
- BiPredicate
- BinaryOperator
- BooleanSupplier
- Consumer
- DoubleBinaryOperator
- DoubleConsumer
- DoubleFunction
- DoublePredicate
- DoubleSupplier
- DoubleToIntFunction
- DoubleToLongFunction
- DoubleUnaryOperator
- Function
- IntBinaryOperator
- IntConsumer
- IntFunction
- IntPredicate
- IntSupplier
- IntToDoubleFunction
- IntToLongFunction
- IntUnaryOperator
- LongBinaryOperator
- LongConsumer
- LongFunction
- LongPredicate
- LongSupplier
- LongToDoubleFunction
- LongToIntFunction
- LongUnaryOperator
- ObjDoubleConsumer
- ObjIntConsumer
- ObjLongConsumer
- Predicate
- Supplier
- ToDoubleBiFunction
- ToDoubleFunction
- ToIntBiFunction
- ToIntFunction
- ToLongBiFunction
- ToLongFunction
- UnaryOperator
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