- Painless Scripting Language: other versions:
- Painless Guide
- Painless Language Specification
- Painless contexts
- Context example data
- Runtime fields context
- Ingest processor context
- Update context
- Update by query context
- Reindex context
- Sort context
- Similarity context
- Weight context
- Score context
- Field context
- Filter context
- Minimum should match context
- Metric aggregation initialization context
- Metric aggregation map context
- Metric aggregation combine context
- Metric aggregation reduce context
- Bucket script aggregation context
- Bucket selector aggregation context
- Analysis Predicate Context
- Watcher condition context
- Watcher transform context
- Painless API Reference
- Shared API
- Aggregation Selector API
- Aggs API
- Aggs Combine API
- Aggs Init API
- Aggs Map API
- Aggs Reduce API
- Analysis API
- Bucket Aggregation API
- Field API
- Filter API
- Ingest API
- Interval API
- Moving Function API
- Number Sort API
- Painless Test API
- Processor Conditional API
- Score API
- Script Heuristic API
- Similarity API
- Similarity Weight API
- String Sort API
- Template API
- Terms Set API
- Update API
- Watcher Condition API
- Watcher Transform API
- Xpack Template API
A newer version is available. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
Shared API for package java.util.stream
editShared API for package java.util.stream
editSee the Shared API for a high-level overview of all packages and classes.
edit- void close()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isParallel()
- Iterator iterator()
- BaseStream sequential()
- Spliterator spliterator()
- null toString()
- BaseStream unordered()
edit- static Collector of(Supplier, BiConsumer, BinaryOperator, Collector.Characteristics[])
- static Collector of(Supplier, BiConsumer, BinaryOperator, Function, Collector.Characteristics[])
- BiConsumer accumulator()
- Set characteristics()
- BinaryOperator combiner()
- boolean equals(Object)
- Function finisher()
- int hashCode()
- Supplier supplier()
- null toString()
edit- static Collector.Characteristics CONCURRENT
- static Collector.Characteristics IDENTITY_FINISH
- static Collector.Characteristics UNORDERED
- static Collector.Characteristics valueOf(null)
- static Collector.Characteristics[] values()
- int compareTo(Enum)
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null name()
- int ordinal()
- null toString()
edit- static Collector averagingDouble(ToDoubleFunction)
- static Collector averagingInt(ToIntFunction)
- static Collector averagingLong(ToLongFunction)
- static Collector collectingAndThen(Collector, Function)
- static Collector counting()
- static Collector groupingBy(Function)
- static Collector groupingBy(Function, Collector)
- static Collector groupingBy(Function, Supplier, Collector)
- static Collector joining()
- static Collector joining(CharSequence)
- static Collector joining(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence)
- static Collector mapping(Function, Collector)
- static Collector maxBy(Comparator)
- static Collector minBy(Comparator)
- static Collector partitioningBy(Predicate)
- static Collector partitioningBy(Predicate, Collector)
- static Collector reducing(BinaryOperator)
- static Collector reducing(def, BinaryOperator)
- static Collector reducing(def, Function, BinaryOperator)
- static Collector summarizingDouble(ToDoubleFunction)
- static Collector summarizingInt(ToIntFunction)
- static Collector summarizingLong(ToLongFunction)
- static Collector summingDouble(ToDoubleFunction)
- static Collector summingInt(ToIntFunction)
- static Collector summingLong(ToLongFunction)
- static Collector toCollection(Supplier)
- static Collector toList()
- static Collector toMap(Function, Function)
- static Collector toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator)
- static Collector toMap(Function, Function, BinaryOperator, Supplier)
- static Collector toSet()
- boolean equals(Object)
- int hashCode()
- null toString()
edit- static DoubleStream.Builder builder()
- static DoubleStream concat(DoubleStream, DoubleStream)
- static DoubleStream empty()
- static DoubleStream of(double[])
- boolean allMatch(DoublePredicate)
- boolean anyMatch(DoublePredicate)
- OptionalDouble average()
- Stream boxed()
- void close()
- def collect(Supplier, ObjDoubleConsumer, BiConsumer)
- long count()
- DoubleStream distinct()
- boolean equals(Object)
- DoubleStream filter(DoublePredicate)
- OptionalDouble findAny()
- OptionalDouble findFirst()
- DoubleStream flatMap(DoubleFunction)
- void forEach(DoubleConsumer)
- void forEachOrdered(DoubleConsumer)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isParallel()
- PrimitiveIterator.OfDouble iterator()
- DoubleStream limit(long)
- DoubleStream map(DoubleUnaryOperator)
- IntStream mapToInt(DoubleToIntFunction)
- LongStream mapToLong(DoubleToLongFunction)
- Stream mapToObj(DoubleFunction)
- OptionalDouble max()
- OptionalDouble min()
- boolean noneMatch(DoublePredicate)
- DoubleStream peek(DoubleConsumer)
- OptionalDouble reduce(DoubleBinaryOperator)
- double reduce(double, DoubleBinaryOperator)
- DoubleStream sequential()
- DoubleStream skip(long)
- DoubleStream sorted()
- Spliterator.OfDouble spliterator()
- double sum()
- DoubleSummaryStatistics summaryStatistics()
- double[] toArray()
- null toString()
- BaseStream unordered()
edit- static IntStream.Builder builder()
- static IntStream concat(IntStream, IntStream)
- static IntStream empty()
- static IntStream of(int[])
- static IntStream range(int, int)
- static IntStream rangeClosed(int, int)
- boolean allMatch(IntPredicate)
- boolean anyMatch(IntPredicate)
- DoubleStream asDoubleStream()
- LongStream asLongStream()
- OptionalDouble average()
- Stream boxed()
- void close()
- def collect(Supplier, ObjIntConsumer, BiConsumer)
- long count()
- IntStream distinct()
- boolean equals(Object)
- IntStream filter(IntPredicate)
- OptionalInt findAny()
- OptionalInt findFirst()
- IntStream flatMap(IntFunction)
- void forEach(IntConsumer)
- void forEachOrdered(IntConsumer)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isParallel()
- PrimitiveIterator.OfInt iterator()
- IntStream limit(long)
- IntStream map(IntUnaryOperator)
- DoubleStream mapToDouble(IntToDoubleFunction)
- LongStream mapToLong(IntToLongFunction)
- Stream mapToObj(IntFunction)
- OptionalInt max()
- OptionalInt min()
- boolean noneMatch(IntPredicate)
- IntStream peek(IntConsumer)
- OptionalInt reduce(IntBinaryOperator)
- int reduce(int, IntBinaryOperator)
- IntStream sequential()
- IntStream skip(long)
- IntStream sorted()
- Spliterator.OfInt spliterator()
- int sum()
- IntSummaryStatistics summaryStatistics()
- int[] toArray()
- null toString()
- BaseStream unordered()
edit- static LongStream.Builder builder()
- static LongStream concat(LongStream, LongStream)
- static LongStream empty()
- static LongStream of(long[])
- static LongStream range(long, long)
- static LongStream rangeClosed(long, long)
- boolean allMatch(LongPredicate)
- boolean anyMatch(LongPredicate)
- DoubleStream asDoubleStream()
- OptionalDouble average()
- Stream boxed()
- void close()
- def collect(Supplier, ObjLongConsumer, BiConsumer)
- long count()
- LongStream distinct()
- boolean equals(Object)
- LongStream filter(LongPredicate)
- OptionalLong findAny()
- OptionalLong findFirst()
- LongStream flatMap(LongFunction)
- void forEach(LongConsumer)
- void forEachOrdered(LongConsumer)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isParallel()
- PrimitiveIterator.OfLong iterator()
- LongStream limit(long)
- LongStream map(LongUnaryOperator)
- DoubleStream mapToDouble(LongToDoubleFunction)
- IntStream mapToInt(LongToIntFunction)
- Stream mapToObj(LongFunction)
- OptionalLong max()
- OptionalLong min()
- boolean noneMatch(LongPredicate)
- LongStream peek(LongConsumer)
- OptionalLong reduce(LongBinaryOperator)
- long reduce(long, LongBinaryOperator)
- LongStream sequential()
- LongStream skip(long)
- LongStream sorted()
- Spliterator.OfLong spliterator()
- long sum()
- LongSummaryStatistics summaryStatistics()
- long[] toArray()
- null toString()
- BaseStream unordered()
edit- static Stream.Builder builder()
- static Stream concat(Stream, Stream)
- static Stream empty()
- static Stream of(def[])
- boolean allMatch(Predicate)
- boolean anyMatch(Predicate)
- void close()
- def collect(Collector)
- def collect(Supplier, BiConsumer, BiConsumer)
- long count()
- Stream distinct()
- boolean equals(Object)
- Stream filter(Predicate)
- Optional findAny()
- Optional findFirst()
- Stream flatMap(Function)
- DoubleStream flatMapToDouble(Function)
- IntStream flatMapToInt(Function)
- LongStream flatMapToLong(Function)
- void forEach(Consumer)
- void forEachOrdered(Consumer)
- int hashCode()
- boolean isParallel()
- Iterator iterator()
- Stream limit(long)
- Stream map(Function)
- DoubleStream mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction)
- IntStream mapToInt(ToIntFunction)
- LongStream mapToLong(ToLongFunction)
- Optional max(Comparator)
- Optional min(Comparator)
- boolean noneMatch(Predicate)
- Stream peek(Consumer)
- Optional reduce(BinaryOperator)
- def reduce(def, BinaryOperator)
- def reduce(def, BiFunction, BinaryOperator)
- BaseStream sequential()
- Stream skip(long)
- Stream sorted()
- Stream sorted(Comparator)
- Spliterator spliterator()
- def[] toArray()
- def[] toArray(IntFunction)
- null toString()
- BaseStream unordered()
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