Deprecation logging


Elasticsearch will send back Warn HTTP Headers when you are using an API feature that is deprecated and will be removed or rewritten in a future release.

Elasticsearch.NET and NEST report these back to you so you can log and watch out for them.

var request = new SearchRequest<Project>
    Size = 0,
    Routing = new [] { "ignoredefaultcompletedhandler" },
    Aggregations = new TermsAggregation("states")
        Field = Field<Project>(p => p.State.Suffix("keyword")),
        Order = new List<TermsOrder>
            new TermsOrder { Key = "_term", Order = SortOrder.Ascending },
    Query = new FunctionScoreQuery()
        Query = new MatchAllQuery { },
        Functions = new List<IScoreFunction>
            new RandomScoreFunction {Seed = 1337},
var response = this.Client.Search<Project>(request);

response.DebugInformation.Should().Contain("Deprecated aggregation order key"); 

DebugInformation also contains the deprecation warnings