A newer version is available. For the latest information, see the
current release documentation.
editThe reindex
API extracts the document source from the source index and indexes the documents into the destination index. You can copy all documents to the destination index, reindex a subset of the documents or update the source before to reindex it.
In the following example we have a game-of-thrones
index which contains different quotes of various characters, we want to create a new index only for the house Stark and remove the house
field from the document source.
'use strict' const { Client } = require('@elastic/elasticsearch') const client = new Client({ node: 'http://localhost:9200' }) async function run () { await client.index({ index: 'game-of-thrones', body: { character: 'Ned Stark', quote: 'Winter is coming.', house: 'stark' } }) await client.index({ index: 'game-of-thrones', body: { character: 'Arya Stark', quote: 'A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I\'m going home.', house: 'stark' } }) await client.index({ index: 'game-of-thrones', refresh: true, body: { character: 'Tyrion Lannister', quote: 'A Lannister always pays his debts.', house: 'lannister' } }) await client.reindex({ waitForCompletion: true, refresh: true, body: { source: { index: 'game-of-thrones', query: { match: { character: 'stark' } } }, dest: { index: 'stark-index' }, script: { lang: 'painless', source: 'ctx._source.remove("house")' } } }) const { body } = await client.search({ index: 'stark-index', body: { query: { match_all: {} } } }) console.log(body.hits.hits) } run().catch(console.log)
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