string - The index of the document being percolated.
string - The type of the document being percolated.
string - Substitute the document in the request body with a document that is known by the specified id. On top of the id, the index and type parameter will be used to retrieve the document from within the cluster.
string | string[] - A comma-separated list of specific routing values
string - Specify the node or shard the operation should be performed on (default: random)
ignore_unavailable or ignoreUnavailable
boolean - Whether specified concrete indices should be ignored when unavailable (missing or closed)
allow_no_indices or allowNoIndices
boolean - Whether to ignore if a wildcard indices expression resolves into no concrete indices. (This includes _all string or when no indices have been specified)
expand_wildcards or expandWildcards
'open' | 'closed' | 'none' | 'all' - Whether to expand wildcard expression to concrete indices that are open, closed or both.
Default: open
percolate_index or percolateIndex
string - The index to percolate the document into. Defaults to index.
percolate_type or percolateType
string - The type to percolate document into. Defaults to type.
percolate_routing or percolateRouting
string - The routing value to use when percolating the existing document.
percolate_preference or percolatePreference
string - Which shard to prefer when executing the percolate request.
percolate_format or percolateFormat
'ids' - Return an array of matching query IDs instead of objects
number - Explicit version number for concurrency control
version_type or versionType
'internal' | 'external' | 'external_gte' | 'force' - Specific version type
object - The percolator request definition using the percolate DSL