Delete Forecast API


The Delete Forecast API provides the ability to delete a machine learning job’s forecast in the cluster. It accepts a DeleteForecastRequest object and responds with an AcknowledgedResponse object.

Delete Forecast Request


A DeleteForecastRequest object gets created with an existing non-null jobId. All other fields are optional for the request.

DeleteForecastRequest deleteForecastRequest = new DeleteForecastRequest("deleting-forecast-for-job"); 

Constructing a new request referencing an existing jobId

Optional Arguments


The following arguments are optional.


Sets the specific forecastIds to delete, can be set to _all to indicate ALL forecasts for the given jobId

Set the timeout for the request to respond, default is 30 seconds

Set the allow_no_forecasts option. When true no error will be returned if an _all request finds no forecasts. It defaults to true

Delete Forecast Response


An AcknowledgedResponse contains an acknowledgement of the forecast(s) deletion

boolean isAcknowledged = deleteForecastResponse.isAcknowledged(); 

isAcknowledged() indicates if the forecast was successfully deleted or not.

Synchronous Execution


When executing a DeleteForecastRequest in the following manner, the client waits for the AcknowledgedResponse to be returned before continuing with code execution:

AcknowledgedResponse deleteForecastResponse = client.machineLearning().deleteForecast(deleteForecastRequest,

Asynchronous Execution


Executing a DeleteForecastRequest can also be done in an asynchronous fashion so that the client can return directly. Users need to specify how the response or potential failures will be handled by passing the request and a listener to the asynchronous delete-forecast method:

client.machineLearning().deleteForecastAsync(deleteForecastRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT, listener); 

The DeleteForecastRequest to execute and the ActionListener to use when the execution completes

The asynchronous method does not block and returns immediately. Once it is completed the ActionListener is called back using the onResponse method if the execution successfully completed or using the onFailure method if it failed.

A typical listener for delete-forecast looks like:

ActionListener<AcknowledgedResponse> listener = new ActionListener<AcknowledgedResponse>() {
    public void onResponse(AcknowledgedResponse DeleteForecastResponse) {

    public void onFailure(Exception e) {

Called when the execution is successfully completed.

Called when the whole DeleteForecastRequest fails.