Elastic Security highlights


This list summarizes the most important enhancements in Elastic Security 8.5.

Introducing Elastic Defend


The integration that monitors events and provides threat prevention and detection on your hosts has been renamed from Endpoint and Cloud Security to Elastic Defend.

Elastic Defend integration

When installing the Elastic Defend integration, you can now select from several pre-configured use cases, which you can customize as needed. For more information on how to get started, refer to Configure and install the Elastic Defend integration.

Elastic Defend configuration

Kubernetes and Cloud Security Posture enhancements


Terminal output collection

Elastic Defend can now collect terminal output, which allows Session View to provide a complete history of Linux sessions through the terminal output viewer.

Test Kubernetes clusters with Kubernetes Security Posture Management (KSPM) integration

In addition to unmanaged clusters, you can now use the KSPM integration to test the security of your Kubernetes clusters managed by Amazon EKS.

Detection rules enhancements


Enhancements to rule preview

You can now preview a rule at any step of creating or editing a rule, and can preview Elastic prebuilt rules. Rule previews also now include exceptions and field overrides.

Rule preview UI

Choose saved query behavior with custom query rules

When selecting a saved query to define a custom query rule, you can now choose whether to use the saved query on every rule execution or to use it once to populate the rule’s query settings.

New bulk edit rule options

You can now bulk edit rule actions and rule schedules on multiple detection rules.

Enhancements to rule exceptions

There are several enhancements and UI improvements to rule exceptions:

  • When adding a rule exception, you can now create value lists for all rule types. Note that you can’t use text type value lists for event correlation and threshold rules.
  • If a rule has or allows endpoint exceptions, there are two exception tabs: the Rule exceptions tab and a new Endpoint exceptions tab. The Endpoint exceptions tab provides an easy way to manage endpoint exceptions.
  • You can now check how many other rules are affected by an exception by clicking Affects X rules next to an exception list item.
Shows how many rules are affected by an exception

New prebuilt rules

28 new prebuilt rules were added in 8.5.0.

Endpoint response enhancements


Updated messaging in response console

The response console UI now displays a message if response action commands aren’t supported by an installed version of Elastic Agent, which must be 8.4 or later.

Response actions history log for all endpoints

You can now filter and search endpoint response actions history for an endpoint. In addition, there’s now a standalone Response actions history page that shows an action log of all endpoints.

Response history action log

New Entity Analytics dashboard


The Entity Analytics dashboard provides a centralized view of emerging insider threats — including host risk, user risk, and notable anomalies from within your network. Use it to triage, investigate, and respond to emerging threats.

You can also enable host risk score and user risk score directly from this dashboard simply by clicking the Enable button. To learn more, refer to Host risk score and User risk score.

Entity Analytics dashboard

Alerts enhancements


Alert counts displayed on Explore detail pages

Each of the Explore detail pages (host details, network details, and user details) now displays alert metrics that show the total number of alerts by severity, rule, and status.

Alert count metrics

Visual event analyzer enhancements

  • If you have a Platinum subscription or higher, by default, you can now examine alerts associated with the event.
  • The visual event analyzer automatically displays the entire process tree if you select a time range that doesn’t have any process events. You’ll also receive a message that your time range is too narrow.

Alert details flyout enhancements

The following enhancements have been made to the alert details flyout. To learn more about analyzing detection alerts, refer to View alert details.

  • Improvements to the Overview tab:

    • Reason statement shown in rendered view - The alert rendered view displays event details, such as the alert reason statement, file paths, or process arguments, to provide context for the alert. You can take action (such as Add to Timeline) on individual fields in the statement.
    • Event renderer added to the Overview tab - The event renderer displays relevant event details to provide context for the alert, such as file paths or process arguments. You can take actions on any of the fields provided.

      Alert render view
  • If you have a Platinum subscription or higher, these details are included in the Insights section:

    • Alerts related by session ID - Shows the ten most recent alerts generated during the same session. These alerts share the same session ID, a unique ID for tracking a given Linux session. To use this feature, you must enable the Include session data setting in your Elastic Defend integration policy.
    • Alerts related by process ancestry - Shows alerts that are related by process events on the same linear branch.
    • Risk score data included - Risk score classification data is displayed in the Enriched data section. If the current risk classification has changed from the original, both scores display to show the difference.

New Indicators page


The Indicators page provides a centralized view for threat intelligence analysts to view and investigate indicators of compromise (IoCs). To learn more about this feature, refer to Indicators of compromise.

Indicators of compromise page

Assign users to a case


You can now assign users to a case if they meet the necessary prerequisites.

Osquery enhancements
