IMPORTANT: Version 7.3 of the Elastic Stack has passed its maintenance date.
This documentation is no longer being updated. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
Kibana highlights
editKibana highlights
editThis list summarizes the most important enhancements in Kibana 7.3.2. For the complete list, go to Kibana release highlights.
Maps app is now production ready
editMaps is production ready for 7.3, and includes many improvements, including a new GeoJson upload and improved layer styling, aggregations, and tooltips. To find out more about what’s in Maps and how to use it, check out the Maps 7.3.0 release blog and documentation.
Upload GeoJSON data (beta)
editMaps now makes it easier for you to get your geospatial data into the Elastic Stack. Use the new GeoJSON upload feature to drag and drop your point, shape files, and features directly into Elasticsearch, so you can use them as layers in the map.
More layer styling
editMaps gives you more options for styling your layers. You can now select the color ramp for heatmap layers. You can also symbolize geo_point features with icons that you can color, size, and rotate based on property values.
New top hits aggregation
editThe new top hits aggregation enables you to plot the most recent entities from your Elasticsearch indices.
Better tooltip content
editMaps now helps you create more in-depth tooltip content. Your tooltips can display information on each feature at the current location. To cycle through the features and view their properties, use the tooltip page controls. You can also include custom labels for Grid aggregation and join metrics.
Kerberos authentication provider
editElasticsearch provides support for Kerberos starting in 6.6, and in 7.3, Kibana introduces Kerberos authentication provider. You now have single sign-on access and can log into Kibana without repeatedly providing your username and password. For details, see SAML single sign-on.
Snapshot phase 2: restore and delete
editThe second phase of the snapshot management UI is out, and includes two notable enhancements: restore and delete. You can recover data and state from a snapshot using the new Restore wizard, and track its progress in the Restore Status view. You can delete snapshots, and free up repository storage space, in the Snapshots view. For more information, see Snapshot and Restore.
CSV export from a saved search
editKibana now allows you to export a saved search on a dashboard directly to CSV.
This action is available in the dashboard panel menu for the saved search.
To enable this feature, you must set
xpack.reporting.csv.enablePanelActionDownload: true
in your kibana.yml
Canvas templates, experiences, and documentation
editCanvas improves the user experience with new templates, experiences, and documentation.
editCanvas is all about creating content and telling a story with your data. The content templates can help you facilitate this vision, and in 7.3, Canvas releases three new templates:
- Pitch is a 14-page template that you can brand and customize for your next board-level presentation.
- The Status template gives you a professional template for status reports and other updates.
The Summary template, shown below, can help you create a report with live representations of your data.
editCanvas adds a number of experiences in 7.3: nudge, alignment, distribution, zoom, and fit-to-screen. Nudge enables you to more precisely align elements in your workpad. Use the up, down, left, or right arrow key to nudge an element by 10 pixels. To nudge an element by 1 pixel, use Shift + an arrow key.
editCheck out the updated Getting started guide, the new introduction to Canvas workpads, and the improved Canvas function reference.