Kibana breaking changes


This list summarizes the most important breaking changes in Kibana 7.3.2. For the complete list, go to Kibana breaking changes.

Visibility of features after configuring a term join in Maps


Details: When performing a terms join in a vector layer in the Maps app, features that do not have a matching term in the join will no longer be visible on the map. Before, these features would remain visible, although they would not show any results for the join in their corresponding tooltip. This aligns the behavior of this functionality with the behavior in the Region Maps visualization. The old behavior, in which features without a corresponding record in the term-query result would still be visible on the map, is no longer supported.

Impact: This affects all maps that have a term join configured on a vector layer. The effect is primarily a change in the visual representation of the layer. In practice, fewer features will be visible if the results of the term-query have no corresponding record for all features on the map. This also means that all fields in a tooltip will have a corresponding value. Previously, the aggregation metrics for some rows in the tooltip would just be empty if there was no corresponing result in the term-query.

Removed support for date histogram format specifications in transforms


Details: If your transform groups your data by using a date histogram, the format property is no longer supported.

Impact: Transforms that were created in 7.2 and use date histograms might no longer work in 7.3. If you run into issues starting a transform, recreate it by copying the pivot part of the configuration into the advanced editor of the transforms wizard. The advanced editor will remove the unsupported attribute once the configuration gets applied.