Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.8.0


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.8.0


Breaking changes

  • Use provided base path for stackconfigpolicy’s snapshot repository #6689 (issue: #6692)
  • APM Server: Fix secret token config for APM Server 8.0+ #6769 (issue: #6768)

New features

  • Introduce the Logstash operator for ECK #6732 (issue: #1453)




  • Call _nodes/shutdown from pre-stop hook #6544 (issue: #6478)
  • Create Elasticsearch client for observer only if needed #6407 (issue: #6090)
  • Add the full CA certificate chain to trusted HTTP certs for Elasticsearch #6681 (issue: #6574)
  • Allow custom certificates on the transport layer #6727 (issue: #6479)
  • Hardened Security Context for Elasticsearch #6703 (issue: #6126)

Helm charts

  • Enable hostNetwork support in eck-operator Helm chart #6636
  • Add PodDisruptionBudget to eck-operator Helm chart #6671

ECK Operator

  • Add operator flag to define webhook port #6691 (issue: #6655)
  • Add operator flag to define global container repository #6737 (issue: #6643)


  • [Fleet] Deprecate is_default and is_default_fleet_server flags #6724 (issue: #6678)

Bug fixes

  • Fix doc attributes in stack-helm-chart.asciidoc #6742
  • Do not set FLEET_CA for well-known CAs #6733 (issue: #6673)
  • Fix default elasticsearch-data volumeMount configuration #6725 (issue: #6186)
  • Conditionally set container-suffix in ECK config #6711 (issue: #6695)
  • [helm-chart] Include webhook client configuration CA only when certificates are not managed by the operator or cert-manager #6642 (issue: #6641)
  • Remove default for daemonset/deployment in eck-beats & eck-agent Helm Charts #6621 (issue: #6330)

Documentation improvements

  • Add 2.6 and 2.7 to the triggered restart list #6786 (issue: #6765)
  • Documentation for running ECK, Elasticsearch, and Kibana on GKE Autopilot #6760 (issue: #6713)
  • Contributing page updated with Helm chart tests suite #6744
  • Documentation for Logstash on ECK #6743


  • Bump github.com/docker/distribution from 2.8.1+incompatible to 2.8.2+incompatible #6801
  • Bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 #6549
  • Update docker.io/library/golang Docker tag to v1.20.4 #6752
  • Update github.com/docker/docker #6654
  • Update k8s to v0.26.3 #6546
  • Update k8s.io/client-go to v0.26.5 #6849 (issue: #6848)
  • Update module cloud.google.com/go/storage to v1.30.0 #6531
  • Update module github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 to v5.6.1 #6536
  • Update module github.com/go-logr/logr to v1.2.4 #6625
  • Update module github.com/google/go-containerregistry to v0.14.0 #6532
  • Update module github.com/hashicorp/vault/api to v1.9.1 #6707
  • Update module github.com/imdario/mergo to v0.3.15 #6581
  • Update module github.com/operator-framework/operator-registry to v1.26.5 #6622
  • Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.15.0 #6686
  • Update module github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.7.0 #6647
  • Update module go.elastic.co/apm/module/apmelasticsearch/v2 to v2.3.0 #6631
  • Update module go.elastic.co/apm/module/apmzap/v2 to v2.3.0 #6633
  • Update module go.uber.org/automaxprocs to v1.5.2 #6547
  • Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.8.0 #6669
  • Update module golang.org/x/text to v0.9.0 #6666
  • Update module google.golang.org/api to v0.115.0 #6651
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.14.6 #6614
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools to v0.11.4 #6718
  • Update modules go.elastic.co/apm/* to v2.4.1 #6739
  • Update registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal Docker tag to v8.7-1107 #6646