Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.5.0


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.5.0


New features

  • Autoscaling Elasticsearch: Introduce a dedicated custom resource #5978 (issue: #5997)
  • ECK resources Helm chart - Elastic Agent & Elastic Fleet Server Agent #5889 (issue: #5505)
  • Enable Beats stack monitoring configuration #5878 (issue: #5563)


  • Surface Kubernetes client rate limiter metrics #6007
  • Add Elasticsearch observation interval as configurable value to Helm Chart #5989 (issue: #5988)
  • Don’t log non-standard ES JSON error responses as errors #5971 (issue: #5473)
  • Report incorrect license type in logs and events #5966 (issue: #5963)
  • Inherit all environment variables from ES container in initContainers #5962 (issue: #5577)
  • Elasticsearch: always set discovery.seed_hosts to empty array #5950 (issue: #5834)
  • [Autoscaling] Add CPU recommender #5924 (issue: #5823)
  • Log correlation for operator APM traces #5883

Bug fixes

  • Increment desired nodes version on each call #6037 (issue: #5979)
  • Ignore unmanaged namespaces in webhook validation for all resources. #6013 (issue: #5814)
  • Fix helm chart rendering issues associated with indentation #6004
  • Stack monitoring: trust custom cert. in output configuration #5945 (issue: #5917)

Documentation improvements

  • Add License files for Helm Charts and Updating Chart README #6008 (issue: #6005)
  • Rewrite snapshot documentation and add CSP specific setups #5969 (issues: #5230, #5652)
  • Restructure secure settings docs and minor additions #5965 (issue: #5425)
  • Update documentation to clarify ES node.processors section. #5941 (issue: #5940)
  • Fix typo in "manage compute resources" doc #5929


  • Update module go to 1.19 #6040
  • Update k8s to v0.25.2 #6032
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools to v0.10.0 #6031
  • Update module helm.sh/helm/v3 to v3.10.0 #6030
  • Update module github.com/hashicorp/vault/api to v1.8.0 #6022
  • Update k8s to v0.25.1 #6018
  • Update registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal Docker tag to v8.6-941 #6012
  • Update module k8s.io/klog/v2 to v2.80.1 #6009
  • Update module github.com/google/go-cmp to v0.5.9 #6006
  • Update docker.io/library/golang Docker tag to v1.19.1 #6003
  • Update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.13.0 #6001
  • Update module github.com/gobuffalo/flect to v0.3.0 #5996
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.13.0 #5995
  • Update module go.uber.org/zap to v1.23.0 #5972
  • Update golang to 1.19 #5939
  • Update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.13.0 #5930
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/kustomize/kyaml to v0.13.9 #5918
  • Update dependency registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal to v8.6-902 #5914
  • Update module github.com/stretchr/testify to v1.8.0 #5912
  • Update module github.com/prometheus/common to v0.37.0 #5911
  • Update module github.com/google/go-containerregistry to v0.11.0 #5910