Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.11.0


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.11.0


Breaking changes

  • The resourceStatuses field of the status subresource of the Stack Configuration Policy is no longer in use. Instead a new details field is populated which now also contains information about configured Kibana applications. This change could cause errors during an upgrade of the CRDs while your operator is still running an older version, however 2.11.1 has been released to mitigate this issue. #7433

New features

  • Introduce Kibana config field in stack config policy #7324
  • Introduce Elasticsearch config and additional secret mounts to stack config policy #7233
  • Add StatefulSet as a deployment option for Elastic Agent #7357


  • Allow Agent and Elastic stack in different namespaces. #7382 (issue: #7352)
  • Support -ubi suffix starting 8.12.0 and 7.17.16 #7368
  • Update to ubi9 and use -ubi prefix for operator image #7321
  • Allow setting additional operator flags via the Helm chart #7252 (issue: #6091)
  • Support configuring "ca-dir" operator setting via helm #7243 (issues: #6091, #6435)

Bug fixes

  • Update eck-elasticsearch default secureSettings values to be slice. #7397
  • Fix recipe name to run Fleet as non-root #7313 (issue: #7312)

Documentation improvements

  • Document how to use stack config policies to manage authentication #7381
  • Fix secure settings link on stack config policy page #7377
  • Document known issue with Kibana 8.11.2 using secure settings #7373 (issue: #7371)
  • Add details about rolling restart behavior #7372
  • Update node configuration documentation to note reserved settings. #7351
  • Use docker.io/bash for sleep container of max-map-count-setter Daemonset #7332
  • Update Beats stack monitoring recipe #7322
  • Document basic snapshot repository setup for Azure #7308
  • Documentation link replaced with markup in 2.10 release notes #7306
  • Make plugin installation via initContainer more robust #7305
  • Add additional details on CA requirements. #7271
  • Document how to provide container registry credentials in air-gapped environments #7256


  • Bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 #7394
  • chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang docker tag to v1.21.5 #7366
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/google/go-containerregistry to v0.17.0 #7355
  • fix(deps): update module go.elastic.co/apm/v2 to v2.4.7 #7337
  • Bump github.com/go-jose/go-jose/v3 from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 #7329
  • chore(deps): update registry.access.redhat.com/ubi9/ubi-minimal docker tag to v9 #7326
  • fix(deps): update k8s to v0.28.4 #7319
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/spf13/cobra to v1.8.0 #7288
  • Update docker v24.0.7+incompatible #7282
  • fix(deps): update module k8s.io/klog/v2 to v2.110.1 #7278
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/go-logr/logr to v1.3.0 #7272
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/google/uuid to v1.4.0 #7270
  • fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.16.3 #7249
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/common to v0.45.0 #7246