Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.10.0


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 2.10.0



  • Allow setting additional operator flags via the Helm chart #7252 (issue: #6091)
  • Support configuring "ca-dir" operator setting via Helm #7243 (issues: #6091, #6435)
  • Support Helm chart for Logstash Elastic Stack resource #7143 (issue: #7128)
  • Support for Logstash secure settings from Kubernetes Secrets using keystore #7024
  • Support running Agent as a non-root #6700

Bug fixes

  • Update eck-beats Helm chart default values to not include ElasticsearchRef. #7228
  • Updating scripts configMap no longer causes Elasticsearch restart #7114 (issue: #6963)
  • Remove volumeClaimTemplates status subresource from Elasticsearch CRD #7097
  • Fix indentation to specify affinity, nodeSelector and tolerations in operator Helm chart #7084

Documentation improvements

  • Better sample command outputs in the Agent Fleet documentation #7213
  • Improved documentation about how to reset the default user’s password #7181 (issue: #7182)
  • Removed trailing whitespaces from operator’s values.yaml file. #7179 (issue: #7178)
  • Update Beat/Agent doc with missing RBAC rules required from 8.9.0 #7161 (issue: #6946)
  • Better documentation of podDisruptionBudget for Elasticsearch.spec #7155
  • Kubernetes 1.28 added to supported versions #7147
  • Fix incorrect Pod template spec in Logstash docs (#7113) #7124
  • SAML documentation examples no longer use a deprecated callback URL #7117 (issue: #7118)
  • SAML documentation examples have a trailing slash in sp.entity_id #7115 (issue: #7116)
  • Fix manifest example to update JVM options for Logstash #7113
  • Stack monitoring documentation examples updated to use v1alpha1 as Logstash k8s api version #7111
  • SAML documentation examples no longer use a deprecated callback URL #7101
  • Fix sed command to use FIPS compatible operator image in FIPS doc #7076
  • Update docs concerning intermediate CAs #7066
  • Stack config policies are no longer marked as experimental #7044
  • Air-gapped documentation describes how to use a mirrored operator image #7019
  • Update Fleet Server quickstart documentation to use emptyDir for agent-data volumes #6563


  • Update module golang.org/x/net to 0.17.0 #7229
  • fix(deps): update module go.elastic.co/apm/v2 to v2.4.5 #7218
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/google/go-cmp to v0.6.0 #7216
  • chore(deps): update docker.io/library/golang docker tag to v1.21.3 #7215
  • fix(deps): update module google.golang.org/api to v0.146.0 #7211
  • chore(deps): update registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi-minimal docker tag to v8.8-1072.1696517598 #7210
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/spf13/viper to v1.17.0 #7209
  • fix(deps): update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.14.0 #7203
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/hashicorp/golang-lru/v2 to v2.0.7 #7193
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/prometheus/client_golang to v1.17.0 #7186
  • fix(deps): update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime to v0.16.2 #7185
  • fix(deps): update module go.uber.org/zap to v1.26.0 #7169
  • fix(deps): update k8s to v0.28.2 #7165
  • fix(deps): update module github.com/hashicorp/vault/api to v1.10.0 #7152
  • Update module github.com/google/go-containerregistry to v0.16.1 #7073
  • Update module go.uber.org/automaxprocs to v1.5.3 #7042
  • Update module sigs.k8s.io/controller-tools to v0.12.1 #7011