Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 1.0.0


Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes version 1.0.0


Breaking changes

  • Remove v1alpha1 CRD version and generate a single trivial all-in-one flavor #2119 (issue: #2044)

New features

  • Report total memory under management for licensing #2277


  • Report max ERUs in the licensing info configmap #2371
  • Readiness probe: do not log tail errors #2366
  • Wait 30sec in the preStop hook to account for kube-proxy refresh #2360 (issue: #2318)
  • Allow user to override readiness timeout #2260 (issue: #2259)
  • Support 7.6 and new stack level enterprise license type #2242
  • Minimize downtime during Pod recycling #2233 (issue: #1927)
  • Bump ctrl-runtime dependency #2232
  • Do not reconcile APM Server if association is not fully configured #2224
  • Upgrade from trial to Platinum/Enterprise license #2206
  • Remove finalizers #2195
  • Downgrade to Basic if user deletes license secret #2188
  • Add default requests and limits to the init containers #2186 (issue: #2179)
  • Sort seed hosts to avoid unecessary configmap updates #2171
  • Turn blacklist into warning events and logs statements #2162
  • Autostart trial #2160
  • Reconcile all clusters on license change #2145
  • Pods upgrade: log a summary of failed predicates #2128
  • Add webhook secret and ValidatingWebhookConfiguration certificate management #2126
  • Name service ports based on protocol #2083
  • Simplify license installation #2073
  • Check resource version when deleting a Pod during force-upgrades #2066 (issue: #1916)
  • Perform forced rolling upgrade even if ES is reachable #2022
  • Refactor expectations with proper garbage collection #2000 (issue: #1611)
  • Add multi-namespace cache support #1995

Bug fixes

  • Do not report max ERUs for basic licenses #2377
  • Fix v1beta1 webhook #2358 (issue: #2355)
  • Preserve environment variable order in Pod specification #2341
  • Reuse the same upscaleState across StatefulSets #2339 (issue: #2338)
  • Allow node restart even if cluster health is yellow #2330
  • Do not upgrade Pods if empty StatefulSet UpdateRevision #2321 (issue: #2320)
  • Fix how cluster.initial_master_nodes is set #2315 (issue: #2291)
  • Wait for webhook key to be present in filesystem #2312
  • Do not fail if annotations file does not exist #2275
  • Fix readiness probe #2272
  • Change priority order of reconcile results #2250
  • Ignore licence error during state update #2245
  • Fix init container memory limit when running with CRI-O #2241
  • Workaround subresources status update error #2229 (issue: #2226)
  • Inherit existing sset.volumeClaimTemplates ownerReferences #2217 (issue: #2192)
  • Use a bugfixed version of controllerutil.SetControllerReference #2211 (issue: #2191)
  • Update service when labels and annotations are modified #2210
  • Fix readiness script in case of operator upgrade #2208
  • Restore v1alpha1 in the list of crds #2199 (issue: #2196)
  • Do not use env variables ending in _FILE with Elasticsearch #2180
  • Ignore and do not use an empty CA #2140
  • Fix Kibana to terminate all Pods before restarting during version change #2137
  • Perform StatefulSets deletions before replicas downscale #2062
  • Always enable native realm #2038
  • Fix nil pointer in upgrade predicates #2035
  • Use discovery.seed_providers instead of discovery.zen.hosts_provider starting 7.x #2029
  • Make association optional for Kibana #2021
  • Fix result of the APM Server controller #1991
  • Mitigate memory leaks from long RequeueAfter periods #1989


  • Change rolling upgrades predicate log error to info level #2099