

The request that specifies the Elasticsearch or stateless (eg Kibana) instances to move to allocators as part of the upgrade plan. When used in conjunction with '__all__' (roll all instances as a single unit) strategy, these instances are not restarted, which can sometimes enable recovery plans when these instances are boot-looping.


from (string, required)
The instance id that is going to be moved
instance_down (boolean)
Tells the infrastructure that the instance should be considered as permanently down when deciding how to migrate data to new nodes. If left blank then the system will automatically decide (currently: will treat the instances as up)
to (array[string])
An optional list of allocator ids to which the instance should be moved. If not specified then any available allocator can be used (including the current one if it is healthy)


   "from" : "string",
   "instance_down" : true,
   "to" : [