

Describes a searched Deployment


alias (string)
A user-defined deployment alias for user-friendly resource URLs
healthy (boolean, required)
Whether the deployment is overall healthy or not (one or more of the resource info subsections will have healthy: false)
id (string, required)
A randomly-generated id of this Deployment
metadata (DeploymentMetadata)
Additional information about this deployment
name (string, required)
The name of this deployment
resources (DeploymentResources, required)
The Resources that belong to this Deployment
settings (DeploymentSettings)
Additional configuration for this Deployment


   "alias" : "string",
   "healthy" : true,
   "id" : "string",
   "metadata" : {
      "hidden" : true,
      "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "last_resource_plan_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "organization_id" : "string",
      "owner_id" : "string",
      "subscription_level" : "string",
      "system_owned" : true,
      "tags" : [
            "key" : "string",
            "value" : "string"
   "name" : "string",
   "resources" : {
      "apm" : [
            "elasticsearch_cluster_ref_id" : "string",
            "id" : "string",
            "info" : {
               "deployment_id" : "string",
               "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
                  "elasticsearch_id" : "string",
                  "links" : {
                     "some_property" : {
                        "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "external_links" : [
                     "id" : "string",
                     "label" : "string",
                     "uri" : "string"
               "healthy" : true,
               "id" : "string",
               "links" : {
                  "some_property" : {
                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
               "metadata" : {
                  "aliased_endpoint" : "string",
                  "aliased_url" : "string",
                  "cloud_id" : "string",
                  "endpoint" : "string",
                  "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "ports" : {
                     "http" : 0,
                     "https" : 0,
                     "transport_passthrough" : 0
                  "raw" : {},
                  "service_url" : "string",
                  "services_urls" : [
                        "service" : "string",
                        "url" : "string"
                  "version" : 0
               "name" : "string",
               "plan_info" : {
                  "current" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "apm" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                    "kibana_url" : "string",
                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "move_allocators" : [
                                    "allocator_down" : true,
                                    "from" : "string",
                                    "to" : [
                              "move_instances" : [
                                    "from" : "string",
                                    "instance_down" : true,
                                    "to" : [
                              "override_failsafe" : true,
                              "preferred_allocators" : [
                              "reallocate_instances" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "internal_details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                     "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "history" : [
                        "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "plan" : {
                           "apm" : {
                              "docker_image" : "string",
                              "system_settings" : {
                                 "debug_enabled" : true,
                                 "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                 "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                 "kibana_url" : "string",
                                 "secret_token" : "string"
                              "user_settings_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
                           "cluster_topology" : [
                                 "apm" : {
                                    "docker_image" : "string",
                                    "system_settings" : {
                                       "debug_enabled" : true,
                                       "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                       "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                       "kibana_url" : "string",
                                       "secret_token" : "string"
                                    "user_settings_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                    "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
                                 "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                                 "size" : {
                                    "resource" : "string",
                                    "value" : 0
                                 "zone_count" : 0
                           "transient" : {
                              "plan_configuration" : {
                                 "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                                 "extended_maintenance" : true,
                                 "move_allocators" : [
                                       "allocator_down" : true,
                                       "from" : "string",
                                       "to" : [
                                 "move_instances" : [
                                       "from" : "string",
                                       "instance_down" : true,
                                       "to" : [
                                 "override_failsafe" : true,
                                 "preferred_allocators" : [
                                 "reallocate_instances" : true,
                                 "timeout" : 0
                              "strategy" : {
                                 "autodetect" : {},
                                 "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                                 "rolling" : {
                                    "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                    "group_by" : "string",
                                    "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "skip_synced_flush" : true
                                 "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                        "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                        "plan_attempt_log" : [
                              "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                              "info_log" : [
                                    "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                    "details" : {
                                       "some_property" : "string"
                                    "failure_type" : "string",
                                    "internal_details" : {
                                       "some_property" : "string"
                                    "message" : "string",
                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                              "stage" : "string",
                              "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                              "status" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                        "plan_attempt_name" : "string",
                        "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "source" : {
                           "action" : "string",
                           "admin_id" : "string",
                           "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "facilitator" : "string",
                           "remote_addresses" : [
                           "user_id" : "string"
                        "warnings" : [
                              "code" : "string",
                              "message" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                  "pending" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "apm" : {
                           "docker_image" : "string",
                           "system_settings" : {
                              "debug_enabled" : true,
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "kibana_url" : "string",
                              "secret_token" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "apm" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
                                    "debug_enabled" : true,
                                    "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                                    "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                                    "kibana_url" : "string",
                                    "secret_token" : "string"
                                 "user_settings_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
                              "instance_configuration_id" : "string",
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
                              "zone_count" : 0
                        "transient" : {
                           "plan_configuration" : {
                              "calm_wait_time" : 0,
                              "cluster_reboot" : "string",
                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
                              "move_allocators" : [
                                    "allocator_down" : true,
                                    "from" : "string",
                                    "to" : [
                              "move_instances" : [
                                    "from" : "string",
                                    "instance_down" : true,
                                    "to" : [
                              "override_failsafe" : true,
                              "preferred_allocators" : [
                              "reallocate_instances" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
                              "rolling" : {
                                 "allow_inline_resize" : true,
                                 "group_by" : "string",
                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
                     "plan_attempt_log" : [
                           "completed" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "duration_in_millis" : 0,
                           "info_log" : [
                                 "delta_in_millis" : 0,
                                 "details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "failure_type" : "string",
                                 "internal_details" : {
                                    "some_property" : "string"
                                 "message" : "string",
                                 "stage" : "string",
                                 "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
                           "stage" : "string",
                           "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "status" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
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                     "plan_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "source" : {
                        "action" : "string",
                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
                     "warnings" : [
                           "code" : "string",
                           "message" : "string",
                           "step_id" : "string"
               "region" : "string",
               "settings" : {
                  "metadata" : {
                     "contact_email" : "string",
                     "hidden" : true,
                     "name" : "string",
                     "organization_id" : "string",
                     "owner_id" : "string",
                     "resources" : {
                        "cpu" : {
                           "boost" : true,
                           "hard_limit" : true
                     "subscription_level" : "string",
                     "system_owned" : true
               "status" : "string",
               "topology" : {
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "instances" : [
                        "allocator_id" : "string",
                        "container_started" : true,
                        "disk" : {
                           "disk_space_available" : 0,
                           "disk_space_used" : 0,
                           "storage_multiplier" : 0.1
                        "healthy" : true,
                        "instance_configuration" : {
                           "id" : "string",
                           "name" : "string",
                           "resource" : "string"
                        "instance_name" : "string",
                        "maintenance_mode" : true,
                        "memory" : {
                           "instance_capacity" : 0,
                           "instance_capacity_planned" : 0,
                           "memory_pressure" : 0,
                           "native_memory_pressure" : 0
                        "node_roles" : [
                        "service_id" : "string",
                        "service_roles" : [
                        "service_running" : true,
                        "service_version" : "string",
                        "zone" : "string"
            "ref_id" : "string",
            "region" : "string"
      "appsearch" : [
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            "id" : "string",
            "info" : {
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               "elasticsearch_cluster" : {
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                     "some_property" : {
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                     "need_elevated_permissions" : true
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                  "aliased_url" : "string",
                  "cloud_id" : "string",
                  "endpoint" : "string",
                  "last_modified" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                  "ports" : {
                     "http" : 0,
                     "https" : 0,
                     "transport_passthrough" : 0
                  "raw" : {},
                  "service_url" : "string",
                  "services_urls" : [
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                        "url" : "string"
                  "version" : 0
               "name" : "string",
               "plan_info" : {
                  "current" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "appsearch" : {
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                           "system_settings" : {
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                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
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                              "secret_session_key" : "string"
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                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
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                                 "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                                 "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                                 "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                 "version" : "string"
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                              "node_type" : {
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                                 "worker" : true
                              "size" : {
                                 "resource" : "string",
                                 "value" : 0
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                        "transient" : {
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                              "extended_maintenance" : true,
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                                    "from" : "string",
                                    "to" : [
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                                    "instance_down" : true,
                                    "to" : [
                              "override_failsafe" : true,
                              "preferred_allocators" : [
                              "reallocate_instances" : true,
                              "timeout" : 0
                           "strategy" : {
                              "autodetect" : {},
                              "grow_and_shrink" : {},
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                                 "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                 "skip_synced_flush" : true
                              "rolling_grow_and_shrink" : {}
                     "plan_attempt_id" : "string",
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                     "source" : {
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                        "admin_id" : "string",
                        "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                        "facilitator" : "string",
                        "remote_addresses" : [
                        "user_id" : "string"
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                           "step_id" : "string"
                  "healthy" : true,
                  "history" : [
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                        "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                                 "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
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                              "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                              "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                              "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                              "version" : "string"
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                                    "user_settings_override_json" : {},
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                                    "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                                    "version" : "string"
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                                    "worker" : true
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                                       "to" : [
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                                       "to" : [
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                                    "shard_init_wait_time" : 0,
                                    "skip_synced_flush" : true
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                        "plan_attempt_log" : [
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                              "info_log" : [
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                                    "details" : {
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                                    "internal_details" : {
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                                    "stage" : "string",
                                    "timestamp" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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                              "started" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
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                        "source" : {
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                           "admin_id" : "string",
                           "date" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                           "facilitator" : "string",
                           "remote_addresses" : [
                           "user_id" : "string"
                        "warnings" : [
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                              "message" : "string",
                              "step_id" : "string"
                  "pending" : {
                     "attempt_end_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "attempt_start_time" : "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z",
                     "healthy" : true,
                     "plan" : {
                        "appsearch" : {
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                           "system_settings" : {
                              "elasticsearch_password" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_url" : "string",
                              "elasticsearch_username" : "string",
                              "secret_session_key" : "string"
                           "user_settings_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_json" : {},
                           "user_settings_override_yaml" : "string",
                           "user_settings_yaml" : "string",
                           "version" : "string"
                        "cluster_topology" : [
                              "appsearch" : {
                                 "docker_image" : "string",
                                 "system_settings" : {
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