Without a private Docker registry


To perform an offline installation without a private Docker registry, you have to download the available Docker Images on each host.

  1. On an internet-connected host that has Docker installed, download the Available Docker Images. While an Elastic Cloud Enterprise version may include Docker images for more than one major release (for example 6.x and 7.x), you need to download only the set of Docker images corresponding to a single major release, as shown in these steps.

    docker pull docker.elastic.co/cloud-enterprise/elastic-cloud-enterprise:2.12.1
    docker pull docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/elasticsearch:7.15.0-0
    docker pull docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/kibana:7.15.0-0
    docker pull docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/apm:7.15.0-0
    docker pull docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/enterprise-search:7.15.0-0

    For example, for Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.1 and the Elastic Stack versions it shipped with, you need:

    • Elastic Cloud Enterprise 2.12.1
    • Elasticsearch 7.15.0-0, Kibana 7.15.0-0, APM 7.15.0-0, and Enterprise Search 7.15.0-0
  2. Create .tar files of the images:

    docker save -o ece.2.12.1.tar docker.elastic.co/cloud-enterprise/elastic-cloud-enterprise:2.12.1
    docker save -o es.7.15.0-0.tar docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/elasticsearch:7.15.0-0
    docker save -o kibana.7.15.0-0.tar docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/kibana:7.15.0-0
    docker save -o apm.7.15.0-0.tar docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/apm:7.15.0-0
    docker save -o enterprise-search.7.15.0-0.tar docker.elastic.co/cloud-assets/enterprise-search:7.15.0-0
  3. Copy the .tar files to a location on your network where they are available to each host where you plan to install Elastic Cloud Enterprise. Alternatively, you can copy the .tar files to each host directly.
  4. On each host, load the images into Docker, replacing FILE_PATH with the correct path to the .tar files:

    docker load < FILE_PATH/ece.2.12.1.tar
    docker load < FILE_PATH/es.7.15.0-0.tar
    docker load < FILE_PATH/kibana.7.15.0-0.tar
    docker load < FILE_PATH/apm.7.15.0-0.tar
    docker load < FILE_PATH/enterprise-search.7.15.0-0.tar
  5. Optional: Remove the .tar files after installation.
  6. On an internet-connected host, download the installation script:

    curl -L -O https://download.elastic.co/cloud/elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh
  7. Copy the installation script to each host where you plan to install Elastic Cloud Enterprise or make it available on your network.
  8. Invoke the installation script on each host:

    1. On the first host:

      bash elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh install
    2. On additional hosts, include the --coordinator-host HOST_IP and --roles-token 'TOKEN' parameters provided to you when you installed on the first host:

      bash elastic-cloud-enterprise.sh install
        --coordinator-host HOST_IP
        --roles-token 'TOKEN'