Snapshotting to Azure Storage for Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.4 - 6.8


Snapshotting to Azure Storage for Elasticsearch 5.x and 6.4 - 6.8


These instructions apply to Elasticsearch versions 5.x and 6.4 - 6.8. If you are using a later version see Snapshotting to Azure Storage for Elasticsearch 7.x.

With Elastic Cloud Enterprise, you can enable your Elasticsearch clusters to regularly snapshot data to Microsoft Azure Storage.

Add the Azure repository


Add your Azure Storage Container as a repository to the platform:

  1. Log into the Cloud UI.
  2. Go to Platform > Repositories and add the following snapshot repository configuration under the advanced mode:

    If needed, set additional options for configuring chunk_size, compressions, and retries. Check the supported settings.

      "type": "azure",
      "settings": {
        "client": "default"
        "container": "elasticsearch-snapshots"

Snapshots are stored in the container you provide. Use the client name you define here to configure your Elasticsearch clusters for snapshotting to this repository.

Configure your deployment for Azure snapshots


To save deployment snapshots to the Azure repository:

  1. Create or use an existing deployment with an Elasticsearch cluster that has the repository-azure plugin enabled.
  2. For Elasticsearch clusters at version 6.4 to 6.8:

    1. Add a secure string setting azure.client.default.account whose value is the name of your Azure storage account. Make sure that the client name is the same one you provided when configuring the snapshot repository.
    2. Add a second secure string setting named azure.client.default.key with value set to the primary access key to your Azure storage account.
  3. For Elasticsearch clusters at verion 5.x:

    1. Add user settings specifying the Azure configuration with your storage account name and primary key.

              storage: # same as the client name given in the repository setup
                      account: "AZURE STORAGE ACCOUNT NAME"
                      key: "AZURE STORAGE ACCOUNT KEY"
  4. Configure your deployment to snapshot to the Azure repository.

The cluster should then have snapshots enabled and and begins snapshotting either in the default interval of 30 minutes or immediately, depending on what you have specified.