A first API call: What deployments are there?


A first API call: What deployments are there?


As a first API call, let’s use a GET request to retrieve information about existing Elasticsearch clusters that are part of deployments:

curl -k -X GET -u USER:PASSWORD https://COORDINATOR_HOST:12443/api/v1/clusters/elasticsearch
  "return_count": 2,
  "elasticsearch_clusters": [{
    "cluster_name": "logging-and-metrics",
    "associated_apm_clusters": [],
    "plan_info": {
      "healthy": true,
      "history": []
    "cluster_id": "fbbc90c8540843adaa4304b4a5cf9eba"
  }, {
    "cluster_name": "admin-console-elasticsearch",
    "associated_apm_clusters": [],
    "plan_info": {
      "healthy": true,
      "history": []
    "external_links": [],
    "cluster_id": "4e8c2d90e94b4a1a9a9b2c83145a8df1"

To simplify things, we’ve omitted some sections from the JSON output. There are two Elasticsearch clusters, logging-and-metrics and admin-console-elasticsearch which are part of deployments that get created with every installation of Elastic Cloud Enterprise. Take care when modifying these clusters, as they are part of the control plane of ECE. To keep your installation safe, some operations are not allowed on these clusters, but we do recommend that you enable fault tolerance and resize them.